Stranger Things Have Happened

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Clair woke up in Daniel's bed, the space beside her empty. Frowning, she looked to the bedside alarm clock and saw it was nearly 5am. She knew he always awoke early, but never realised to what extent. Surely this wasn't normal for him, especially considering they had only fallen asleep just after 3am.

Failing to get herself back to sleep, Clair decided to look for him and pulled herself out of bed; a blush creeping up from her chest, as she felt the evidence of their shared passion between her legs.

Passing through the living area when she noticed Daniel wasn't there, she entered the kitchen on light feet.

Daniel sat at the kitchen island holding a glass of brown liquor, his head down and his breathing laboured.

"Daniel?" Called Clair from the archway, fidgeting with her wrist band.

"Yeah." He answered almost inaudibly. Gulping, Clair sauntered over towards him and stopped just short of touching him.

"Are you okay?" She asked timidly, placing her hand gently upon his shoulder only to have it shrugged off immediately.

"I think it's best that you leave me now." Daniel struggled to say.

"Have I done something wrong?" Asked Clair, tears threatening to pour from her tired eyes. Almost as quickly as she asked, Daniel roared to his feet and smashed his glass against the wall behind Clair, causing her to duck and cry out in fear.

She ran from the kitchen in aim of the safety of her room, but was pulled back by her wrists and thrown against one of the hallway's walls. The tears flowed freely now, as Daniel's body trapped hers; one forearm resting above her head, while his strong hand gripped around her throat, but mainly putting pressure on her jaw as to not suffocate her.

"What did I fucking tell you? Over and over again but you don't fucking listen!" Daniel half growled and half shouted this, his eyes dilating to the point of appearing black.

Clair's heart was beating rapidly against her chest from this sudden outburst. She wasn't quite sure if he was having a weird moment again or if he was just genuinely pissed off with her.

Daniel's face contorted suddenly, panic etching his features as he backed away from Clair swiftly. Just as quickly his face changed again, back to the angry state he was previously in. He turned on his heel swinging his arm full force, hitting his fist into the wall behind him with a growl before running to his room and slamming the door.

Clair let out a deep breath trying to regain her composure then briskly walked to her room, closing then locking her door firmly behind her. Confused, scared and worried about Daniel's actions, she decided to phone Gary. It rang off due to the early hour, she thought, so decided it was best to just wait it out.

As she lay her weary head atop her pillow, her phone started buzzing beside her. Gary.

"Clair? What's wrong?" Concern laced his sleepy voice.

"It's Daniel. Something's wro-" Was all she managed to get out before a loud smashing noise echoed from the room next door causing her to cry out in shock. Gary heard the crash over the line.

"Where are you?" Gary asked in a more panicked tone now.

"In my bedroom, at the house." She offered.

"Okay. Stay where you are, I'm coming." He told her then hung up.


Clair stared at her phone, listening to various noises coming from Daniel's bedroom as she waited twenty minutes for any sign of Gary. She was made aware of his arrival when he text her.

From: Gary Copeland
Open door.

Clair tiptoed out into the hallway then scarpered to open the front door, where she met Gary who carried a forlorn expression.

"You okay?" He asked as he stepped inside and closed the door behind him.

"I'm not sure. I'm really worried." Another crash sounded through the house, making Gary scowl. Turning to Clair, he grabbed her by the upper arms firmly.

"Go to your room and stay there until I come to get you, okay?" Clair nodded then did as she was asked, not bothering to lock the door this time.

Shortly after Clair re-entered her room the sounds from Daniel's ceased, but she wasn't sure at the time if it was a good sign or not.

An hour passed before Gary appeared at her door.

"You can come out now." He muttered, looking tired and slightly disheveled.

"What happened?" Queried Clair, slightly scared of the answer. Gary shook his head a little.

"Just calmed him down. He didn't seem... normal." He frowned. Clair had thought she'd seen him at his most abnormal, but tonight was something different. Daniel was actually responsive this time, but acted out strangely.

"Stranger things have happened." She whispered only to herself, but Gary heard it.

"What do you mean?" He asked, joining Clair on her bed. She just shook her head and asked a question of her own.

"Have you ever seen him like this?"

"A few times. I'm starting to think he's got a Jekyll and Hyde thing going on." Gary only said this, although he thought it to be true, to ease the burden of worry from her by using humour. But Clair didn't find it funny. Instead it made things fall into place in her mind.

"Is he schizophrenic?" She wondered, hoping her theory was incorrect.

"If he is, he's kept it to himself." Gary said, seemingly hurt by the possibility that his best friend wouldn't tell him something so important.

"I need to talk to him." Clair stated.

"You can if you want, he's still awake." Nodding, Clair rose from the bed heading for the door, but paused just before she reached it to face Gary who spoke.

"He's in the lounge. I'm going to stay until he falls asleep if that's okay." It was a statement more than a question, but Clair nodded her understanding before heading to Daniel.

She found him sprawled across the sofa, one arm laying over his eyes while the other lay over his torso. She was shocked to see the damage he had done to himself by punching the wall, his knuckles cracked and bloody from the impact. For a split second she considered leaving him to rest, but she needed to know what happened, especially considering the night they had shared not too long ago. Sitting precariously on the edge beside Daniel's legs, she placed her palm carefully on top of his hurt hand. He didn't budge, but neither did Clair.

"I'm sorry." Breathed Daniel after a long bout of silence.

"What happened?" Clair sounded defeated and fearful even to her own ears and knew Daniel felt it too.

"I'm not sure this time." He spoke following with a sigh. Biting her lip, Clair prepared to ask the question that now swarmed her thoughts.

"Are you, do you have schizophrenia?" Daniel moved his arm from over his eyes, showing Clair for the first time how truly wounded he looked, which brought tears to her eyes.

"Not that I know of, but I don't think it's that." Cautiously he sat, swiping a lone tear that escaped Clair's eye away with his fingers. She swallowed.

"I'm not so sure."

Daniel stared at her expression, which was plagued with deep sorrow.

"Why? What makes you think I have it?"

Clair gulped, her past memories rushing back to her in heated spurts of pain, making her flinch and shudder.

"Because I've seen it."

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