Sexual Healing

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Daniel didn't arrive home that night until ten pm, a full hour after Gary had left, feeling tired and completely conflicted with his own emotions, again.

Striding into the living room he hung up his coat, removed his shoes and placed his laptop bag against the wall.

Clair watched as he had done this, she wasn't sure why but she couldn't take her eyes off him. At least he didn't seem to notice, she thought. Well, not until his eyes snapped to meet hers. Emotions that were unrecognisable to Clair crossed his face before he whiped it clean and replaced it with his usual mask of indifference.

"I'm going to take a shower." He muttered.

"Wait." Clair managed to force out before Daniel disappeared into the hall way. He briefly considered ignoring her, but decided he didn't want to be rude. Turning slowly on his heal he unknowingly glared at her, which made Clair feel even more lost for words.

"What is it?" Demanded Daniel when she took too long to answer. Opening and closing her mouth a few times, she finally decided to give up and placed her head in her hands. Why couldn't she just ask him what was wrong? She'd been able to ask Gary earlier with no hesitation, what was so different?

Running his hand through his dirty mane, he walked towards Clair and sat beside her on the sofa.

"What's the matter?" He queried, wanting to touch her but choosing against it. No more running hot was proving very difficult.

Clair dropped her hands from her face and turned fully to face the man she was having such difficulty talking to.

"You look different today." She conceded. Daniel looked down examining himself, not finding anything that was out of the ordinary so asked her what she meant.

"I mean you look tired and upset. I-is everything alright?" She stuttered, still feeling completely out of sorts. Daniel stared at her for a good minute trying to come up with a lie. Family issues? Work? He knew she wouldn't believe either of these. Sighing, he ran his hand through his hair.

"I'm struggling with you staying here." He admitted, feeling like shit the moment Clair's face dropped.

"Oh." Was all that escaped her lips, lost for words once again. Daniel couldn't fight the urge to touch her any longer, so he moved her dark hair that curtained between them now, because her head had fallen once her expression did. Brushing her hair over her shoulder, he ran his hand down her back and stopped just shy of her buttocks.

"It isn't you. I've told you this before and it's still the case. I want nothing more than for you to stay as long as you like, but every day it's getting harder to stay away from you. Emotionally. Physically." They looked into each others eyes as that last word hung in the air between them.

Suddenly Clair lunged for Daniel, landing her plump lips across his. He was taken aback but although he thought it felt wrong, he also thought it felt so right and gave in to his ever increasing urge for this woman, running his fingers through her silky strands as their tongues found one another.

Clair whimpered when one of Daniel's hands skirted down her side then landed on her firm behind, giving her cheek a hard squeeze as their passion sky rocketed. Pulling her hair, Daniel angled Clair's lips to gain full entry of her mouth, licking and sucking until they were lost for breath and were forced to pull away from each other.

"Clair. We can't." Breathed Daniel, inches apart from her face that he noticed was flushed more than he'd ever seen, which brought him great pleasure.

Opening her eyes, Clair noticed the position they were now in, laying prone chest to chest with their legs tangled.

"We need to." She stated, biting her lip. Daniel groaned.

"Fuck, please don't do that." He begged once she released it from her teeth. Clair frowned for a second before realising what he was referring to, then sucked her bottom lip purposely.

Sitting up abruptly, Daniel growled in frustration and arousal then slammed his mouth against Clair's once more, biting down hard on her lip like he had wanted to do for so long.

Straddling him, she lifted her night shirt over her head, giving Daniel a perfect view of her pert breasts, then reached between them to unbuckle his belt. He moaned when her fingers brushed down his hard length as she unzipped him; he lifted his bottom from the sofa helping Clair release his rock solid erection, ripping her lacy knickers off as she removed his shirt.

"We really shouldn't." Whispered Daniel as he held Clair, nuzzling his damp face into the crook of her neck, relishing in the feel of just being naked in each others arms.

Not wanting to break the moment, Clair remained silent. She knew in some way that this would be a mistake, but she couldn't help but think that this would alleviate some pressure from both of them. Daniel pulled back and looked into her eyes. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Clair spoke in a sultry voice.

"We really should."

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