Haunted From Childhood

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Hello lovelies,
Just a quick warning that this chapter contains graphic scenes of violence and scenes that some people may find upsetting.
I also want to give a massive apology to everyone who has been waiting for an update. I had a huge wave of writers block with this story and couldn't figure out where I wanted it to go, then this morning I suddenly had an idea for it and had to write it. Hopefully this will be the beginning of more updates.
Thank you for being patient with me and hopefully this chapter will make it worth the while.
Much love ❤️

Standing in the hallway, Gary listened in on Daniel and Katie arguing. He'd noticed only recently that Daniel wasn't being entirely himself; behaving strangely once in a while by seemingly going into a trance and doing things aimlessly, then forgetting everything afterwards. This caused Gary some concern, especially now as he hears the couple verbally ripping into each other after a night out.

Just as things become overly heated, a sudden silence weighs heavily on Gary's shoulders. What if he's hurt Kate? He thought to himself.

Gary turns the corner to enter the living area, when he almost bumps into Daniel, who was clearly is in one of his 'trances' as he wonders then paces wordlessly along the hallway.

Taking his attention off Daniel, he turns to see Kate with a face of thunder, glaring at him like they had been the ones fighting.

"Why are you looking at me like that, love?" Asked Gary, as he took a step closer.

"Why d'ya think? If you really cared about him, you would have helped him by now. Y'know he hasn't been right." Kate run her fingers through her jet-black locks and folded her arms tightly over her chest.

Gary scowled, becoming annoyed with her, "What do you mean? There's nothing I can do. If he has an issue, he's the only one who can do anything about it."

"Huh, and you're supposed to be his best friend."

"What the fuck, Kate? What are you accusing me of here?"

Picking at her fingernails, she replies, "Oh, nothing. Just that I think you're a liar - claiming to have some sort of brotherly love for Daniel, but watching him suffer from whatever is wrong with him without doing anything."

Feeling his palms become sweaty and his temper rising, Gary took another step closer. Being called a liar brought back sour childhood memories of his father: The father that drank his body weight in spirits throughout the day and used dirty needles to shoot up heroine at every opportunity. Yes, Malcolm loved to claim that his son was a liar; he'd create things in his head about Gary that he believed, so much so that he'd accuse him on a daily basis then call him a liar when he'd deny his actions. Punishment, for his son, was the only option. He wouldn't tolerate lies, so he'd have to beat the truth from him.

Gary shook his head, trying to rid himself of the sudden memories fleeting through his mind.

"Don't you ever call me a liar again." He warned, but Kate just smirked. It confused Gary because Katie was usually so nice, but this Katie was anything but. No wonder she and Daniel fought.

"Why, it's the truth isn't it?" Shaking, Gary could feel his temperature rise to a dangerous level, and his body began to shake, "Oh, wait, that's right. You don't know what the truth means do you?"

Kate was just trying to get a reaction from Gary, as she was still feeling anger from her argument with Daniel and needed to eleviate some of the pressure that it was causing, knowing that Daniel was no longer in the right state to continue with their row.

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