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Daniel felt terrible for the way he hurt Clair, both mentally and psychically. It scares him when he loses control, but this was a different kind. He could feel and hear everything around him, which in some ways made it worse.

It was 1pm and Daniel was waiting for Clair to wake up. They'd agreed that they both needed sleep before they were to talk about Clair's admission. He was anxious about what she wanted to tell him about her connection with schizophrenia and why she thought he might be suffering from it.

It had never crossed his mind that it could be the reason for his blackouts, although being awake and alone for the last hour it gave him time to think that maybe it was the reason. He also wondered idly, when Gary had left and how he felt about what he saw.

Daniel poured two steaming mugs of coffee once he saw Clair walk into the bathroom then took them to the coffee table where he met her.

"Are you feeling better?" She didn't hesitate to ask, as he took a seat beside her. Daniel noticed she still looked tired.

"Yes, are you?" He queried. Clair merely nodded as she brought the coffee to her lips. Daniel mirrored her actions then sat back into the plush sofa cushion.

"Are you ready to talk?" He asked, draping his arm over Clair's shoulders. She nodded once again and began.

"My mother had schizophrenia. It was severe and sometimes she seemed like a completely different person. Your actions remind me of her, sometimes." Frowning to herself at the memory of her mother, Clair flicked the elastic band against her wrist, feeling the need to inflict pain on herself for reasons unknown to her.

"That's why you think I have it." Daniel stated, as he watched Clair's hands.

"In a nut shell, yes."

"Where's your mum now?" He had a feeling he already knew, he just wanted clarification.

"Dead. She killed herself after she killed my dad." Clair sat forward and grabbed her mug, relishing in the pain the heat brought her hands. Daniel was shocked to hear this. Maybe he didn't know, he thought.

"She killed your dad? Why?" Maybe Daniel's curiosity got the better of him, but it made him understand Clair more.

"He tried to protect me and my sister. Mum came for us first, but he got in the way. She snapped out of it shortly after then took her own life." The words came strangled as she remembered that day like it was yesterday.

"You have a sister?" Daniel couldn't imagine having two Clair's, but thought life would be even better if there was.

"Had. She's dead too, I think. She went missing a few years ago, but hasn't been found." All blood from Daniel's face drained instantly, as he was shocked into silence.

"What's wrong?" Asked Clair once she noticed his state.

"What was your sisters name?" He barely squeaked out, hearing his erratic pulse in his ears and praying that what he was thinking will be wrong.

"Katie Cunningham." Stated Clair, frowning at his perverse reaction.

"Oh God, no. No,no,no,no." Daniel said. His whole body started to shake as he put his head in his hands and leant forwards. Clair put her mug down abruptly then attempted to move Daniel's hands away from his face, but was unsuccessful. It startled her when she suddenly noticed that he was crying. Not just silent crying, but full on, shoulder shuddering, sobbing.

"Daniel, what is it? Why are you crying?" Clair bit her lip, wanting to cry herself but not knowing why.

"This can't be happening. This can't be happening. Please. Fuck. I'm so sorry. So, so sorry." Daniel rambled, feeling vomit rise to his throat. Suddenly feeling the need to empty the contents of his stomach, he ran towards the bathroom and did just that.

Clair sat for a second, taking in their entire conversation they've just shared. All of a sudden she froze. Daniel knew something about Katie and she was going to find out exactly what it was.

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