Gary's Confession

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Clair spent the next four days searching for a job, which was proving difficult due to her inexperience and lack of qualifications. Ideally, she wanted to become an author or work in publishing, but knew that was easier said than done. She also couldn't stop thinking about Daniel. Honestly, she thought he may have been overreacting a tad when he said he felt evil. From what she had seen, he just seemed to be lost and unresponsive.

Daniel stayed away from Clair as much as possible, working until late at night and leaving for work before she has even woke. To his surprise, she didn't really seem to be fazed by what he had told her about his feelings. After he had unloaded on her she simply replied with a thank you, kissed him gently on the cheek and left to go to bed. On one hand he felt relieved that she didn't view him differently, but on the other he wished that she would be frightened, keeping herself away from him due to fear.

It was now Tuesday evening and Clair received a message from Gary. They had continued to exchange messages and phone calls since Clair moved into Daniel's home, usually talking about stuff they had been doing that day. However, there were times when Gary asked her about things she didn't wish to talk about, like her self harming. He didn't want to push for an explanation, but he couldn't help but ask mainly to make sure she had stopped. Clair brushed him off by saying she hadn't thought about it, although the reality was that she had. Not the actual act of doing it per'se, but the feeling associated with it. She read the message he'd sent.

From: Gary Copeland
Hi love, are you alone tonight? X

Clair frowned. He'd never asked this before.

To: Gary Copeland
Yes, why? X

From: Gary Copeland
Can I come see you? I miss your pretty face. :) X

Clair laughed aloud at this, thinking it was classic Gary. He always said sweet things like that, making her smile whether or not she felt happy. She liked Gary, but she knew unfortunately that she didn't like him as much as he did her.

To: Gary Copeland
Sure. I could do with the company. :) X

Clair wouldn't say that she felt lonely without Daniel's presence, but she did feel disheartened because she knew he was avoiding her.

From: Gary Copeland
I'll be there in 20. Does soppy bollocks have beer? X

To: Gary Copeland
I don't think he'll appreciate that, but yes he does. X

From: Gary Copeland
Then we better not tell him ;) See you soon. X

Clair rolled her eyes and padded into her room, preferring the privacy of it rather than being in the lounge where Daniel could walk in on them any second. Not that she was expecting anything to happen. Clair sent a message to Gary telling him that the front door was unlocked and asking him to meet her in her room, which so alike Gary, he responded only with a wink.


True to his word, Gary entered Clair's room twenty minutes later, carrying two open bottles. He handed one to her then wrapped his arm around her waist, kissing her cheek tenderly.

"How you doing love?" Asked Gary as he sat beside Clair on her bed, who took a long pull from her bottle before answering.

"I'm doing good. How about you?"

Gary smiled, but for once Clair noticed it didn't quite reach his eyes.

"I'm okay." Was his only reply, before he took a hefty drink himself. Clair frowned and lightly touched his shoulder, bringing his full attention towards her.

"You're not okay, I can see it. What's wrong?" She enquired, genuinely concerned for him. Sighing, Gary put his and Clair's drinks down atop the bedside table then placed his hand over hers.

"I have something to tell you and I don't think you'll like it." He looked resigned and Clair became more concerned.

"It's okay. You can tell me."

"I've known you longer than you think." Gary bit his lip, feeling like a complete idiot for not telling her before.

"Oh? How?" She asked, wracking her brain for a time that she may have been associated with him.

"I first met you about a month back. You was at Rio's night club." Rubbing the back of his neck he looked sheepishly at Clair, searching for a bad reaction or a sign of recognition, but was only greeted with pure confusion so decided to continue.

"I watched you from afar at first, maybe only for an hour or so. Then you stumbled out so I followed you." He paused to check Clair's reaction, which was only a raised eyebrow in questioning.

"I saw you wobbling and caught you when you fell. You were mumbling incoherently then you was sick and kind of passed out."

"I don't remember." Whispered Clair as her stomach churned.

"No, I know. I thought that maybe someone spiked your drink, still do actually. I'd never seen anyone react that badly to drink alone." Gary shook his head sadly as Clair desperately tried to recall that evening.

"What happened after?"

"When you passed out I carried you to my car then checked your ID for your address, but when I got there the person who answered the door told me you didn't live there." Gary shifted closer to Clair as sadness filled her eyes, which watered at the reality of what might of happened to her if it wasn't for him.

"How did you find where I was staying?" Clair's voice shook with deep emotion as Gary banded his right arm around her middle.

"I checked your phone and found your landlords number. I phoned him and told him that I had you with me and he gave me your address, so I drove you there, put you to bed and made sure you was okay before I left."

Clair felt her bottom lip quiver, so she bit into it to prevent herself from sobbing. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she whispered a heartfelt thank you and let her tears fall a little.

"When I saw you at Mary Jane's I knew I had to talk to you. I thought about you ever since that first night. I couldn't get you off my mind." He smiled genuinely at her when she pulled back, whiping her tears with his fingers gently.

If only she knew exactly how he felt, but for now this was the only confession he was willing to admit to.

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