You Break Up

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Ross: Lately, you had been feeling really distant from Ross. And not because he was on the other side of the world either. He was usually too busy to even talk to you, because he would either be filming Austin and Ally, recording with R5, or doing press with Maia for the second movie. You even visited a few other times, but you were pushed aside while they would laugh at a joke, or hung out. You went home depressed, but waited for him to call you. It had been two days, and you hadn’t even heard from him. You called him, ready to call him out. “Hey (y/n), what’s up?” he said, sounding bored. “Ross, we need to talk. I just, I just don’t think we should be together anymore. You’re way to busy for a relationship, and honestly, I’ve felt pushed aside lately. I just don’t want to sit around here waiting. I’m sorry…” you said drifting off. “What?” he asked, disbelieving. You could literally feel the hurt in his voice, but you knew this was best for the both of you. 

Riker: You and Riker had been dating only for a short period of time, and you already felt so much in love with him. He was such a positive person, always smiling. It felt contagious, and you were instantly happy just being with him. Riker had went off yesterday to do some press about the new tour, much to your dismay. You hated to see him leave, but you promised him you would watch every interview. You turned on the TV, waiting patiently for them to come on. The interviewer was firing off questions, but you really paid attention when she asked if any of the boys had girlfriends. A smile was brought to your face, until you saw Riker tell her no. You turned off the TV angrily, tears dripping from your eyes. You called him immediately, fuming. “What was that all about?!” you cried. “Relax okay? They didn’t think I should tell anyone… So I didn’t,” he said quietly. “Well, if you’re not going to even admit our relationship, then there might as well not be one!” you said sadly. “But..” you heard him say, before you hung up.

Rocky: You and Rocky were sitting on the couch, talking about the new music video they were going to shoot the next day. He told you all about the location, cars, the song, and everything in between. He was so excited, and you were excited for him! You heard a knock at the door, only to reveal Ratliff. “Hey!” you greeted him. “Hey guys, what’s up?” he smiled, taking a seat next to you. “Talking about the new music video tomorrow, it’s going to be awesome!” he said excitedly. You giggled, “Did you tell her about the girl?” he asked curiously. Rocky gave him ‘a look,’ trying to keep him quiet. But it was already too late. “What girl?” you questioned. “I kinda have to kiss this girl tomorrow for the video,” he said, looking down. “It’s funny, because you told me every detail about the video…except for that one.  Yeah, I think you left that one out,” you said angrily. “Look, they asked if I could make-out with the girl for the video’s sake, and I said yes. No big deal,” he said calmly. “No big deal!?” you yelled. He just gave you a look, not answering you. “Well, kiss her all you want then. We’re through!” you said, slamming the door shut on the way out. 

Ratliff: You couldn’t help but watch Ellington and Rydel together, watching as she leaned on his shoulder, laughing at another one of his jokes. He had told you a million times that they were really good friends, but it always looked like more than that. You told yourself that you were paranoid, and let it slide. Stormie wanted to get everyone in for a group picture, and you happily sat out. You watched as they all got situated, Rydel sitting extremely close to Ell. Before you knew it, she kissed him on the cheek, holding it for the picture. You’re eyes were practically bugging out of your head, and you shook away the thoughts in your head. You got up, storming out of the room. Ellington must have known you were upset, because he came out to chase you. “Where are you going?” he yelled. “Anywhere but here! I’m not going to sit and be the third wheel, while you and Rydel decide to get it on!” you screamed at him. “It’s just a picture (y/n). It wasn’t anything to worry about, I promise!” he said, spinning you around by your shoulder. “Well, now you don’t have to worry about it being a problem!” you whimpered. “What is that supposed to mean? Are- are you breaking up with me?” he asked, hurt flashing in his eyes. “I’m sorry,” you cried, running to the car. 

Ryland: You were laying on the bed with Ryland, talking about how much you would miss him when he went away with his family on tour. He sighed, looking over at you. All evening, you could tell something was wrong. Every now and then, you would look over and see an unrecognizable emotion flash before your eyes, then disappeared before you could notice. “Is everything okay Ry?” you asked, running your hand through his hair. He shook his head slightly, taking a deep breath. “Well, what’s wrong?” you murmured, trying to make him feel better. “I was just thinking about tour and stuff. I’m gonna be gone for quite awhile, and I don’t think I should just leave you waiting. I would feel too bad. Maybe you should find someone else…” he said quietly. Your eyebrows furrowed together, tears welling up in your eyes. “Oh,” you whispered, chocking back a sob. “I’m really sorry (y.n),” he said. “No it’s fine,” you replied, getting up to leave. You just let the tears freely fall, as you left his house. 

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