When You're Pregnant

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Ross: You and Ross were fighting over colors for your baby girl’s room. “Yellow!” he shouted. “No Pink!” you replied with a smirk. “Yellow! It’s the color of the sun, and it’s happy! Yellow!” he argued. You knew he wasn’t going to give this up, so you decided to make a compromise. “How about yellow and pink? I think it could look good together,” you suggested.  He though about it for a moment, processing your idea. His face slowly formed into a smile, “Deal!” he exclaimed. He wrapped one arm around your waist, and the other rested on your protruding stomach. He took the pink and yellow paint swatches, and placed them on your belly. Kick here for yellow, and kick here for pink!” he said, not letting this go. He waited, but finally after a few minutes, she kicked in the middle. “Well that didn’t go as planned,” he chuckled. “Pink and yellow it is!” you giggled. 

Riker: Today was the day you found out if it was a baby girl or boy! You were beyond excited, and Riker was too. He spent all day, fidgeting, and bouncing from excitement. You were in the waiting room, talking with him about everything. “What do you think it is?” you whispered. “I kinda think it’s gonna be a girl,” he smiled. “Well, I think it’s a boy!” you chimed in, your hand resting on your stomach. He shook his head, the smile permanently etched onto his face. By this time, the doctor had called you back. You laid onto the little table, holding Riker’s hand close. He squeezed it for reassurance, while the gel was squirted on your bloated belly. “Would you like to know the sex?” the technician asked. Your head bounced up and down, ready to see already. “It’s a boy!” She cheered. Tears were filling your eyes, and you looked over to see Riker smiling proud. “I told you,” you teased, while he kissed your cheek. 

Rocky: You had just felt the baby kick for the first time, and you were calling Rocky so he could feel it too. You waited a second or two, and decided to try again. “Rocky?!! Hurry! The baby’s kicking! C’mon!” you screamed, before finally hearing footsteps thump up the stairs. In record time, he slung the door open, jumping beside you. He put his hand to your stomach, feeling nothing. “It looks like it stopped…” you mumbled, rubbing circles onto your belly. “What a tease!” he said, disappointed. He removed his hand, laying on the bed right next to you. Just then, you felt another sharp kick. “It kicked!” you said, grabbing his hand. He waited, but nothing happened. “I think it’s pranking me…” he said seriously. You busted out in a fit of laughter, causing the little baby to flutter. You gasped, “Did you feel it?!” you asked excitedly. His face lit up, his eyes wide open. “Whoa,” he said, amazed. He spent the rest of the afternoon, just waiting for it to kick again. It was the most amazing feeling!

Ratliff: “I’m hungry,” you pouted, waiting for him to notice. “We just had dinner!” he chuckled. “I know… But I really want french toast with chocolate over it, and then some pickles on the side!” you pleaded, giving him the puppy dog eyes. His face scrunched up in disgust, but he got up to fix it for you anyway. “Thank you!” you called after him. It had been a good 15 minutes, and you could smell the food drift into the room. He handed you a plate, taking a seat beside you. He raised an eyebrow, watching you take a bite of Chocolate drizzled french toast and pickle. “This is so good!” you praised, placing the plate over your stomach. “I have no idea how you’re eating that,” he murmured, stunned. “Baby wants what the baby wants!” you giggle, taking in another bite of pickles and french toast. 

Ryland: You were about a week overdue, and it was slowly driving you crazy. You didn’t think you could take anymore of the sleepless nights, or swollen ankles anymore. You groaned, letting your head fall onto the couch. “That’s it, we’ve got to do something! I can’t take it anymore!” you said, aggravated. “What’s wrong?” he asked quietly. “This is what’s wrong!” you said, pointing to your stomach. “I have got to get this kid out! I’m going to jump start labor!” you said, feeling determined. His eyebrow raised up, as you waited on him to help you get up. “And how are you going to do that?” he asked curiously, pulling you up. “Let’s go walking,” you suggested, pulling him along. It had already been two hours, and nothing had happened so far. “Let’s try something else… my feet hurt,” you mumbled, pouting. “Spicy food it is!” he smiled. You ate a whole plate of hot peppers, hoping it would start things up. Nothing. You got nothing. “I’m going to try the bouncy ball,” you said, taking a seat on it. “Yeah, like that’s gonna help,” he laughed. It had been about five minutes, and you thought you felt something. A twinge of pain in your lower abdomen, causing you to pause. “Everything okay?” he asked nervously. “I think it worked!” you said excitedly, as you watched his eyes practically jump out of his head. 

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