Can't Change BxB

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A video of Heart On Fire. On the side>

Ethan sit through class, to anyone it seemed like he was paying attention but he had something else in mind or rather someone else. Andrew and Evan adopted him two years ago and although he felt accepted and loved. He was still fighting his monsters. His own family had kicked him out once he came out. He was homeless for a year only being picked up at a gas station for trying to steal food. The cops had taken him to an adoption agency and a year later he met the two gay guys that had accepted him, gave him a home and education, Andrew had plans for him going to school, graduate high school and then off to college. Evan already had his college fund secure and a large sum of money in his trust fund for when he turns twenty one.

He should be happy and to a point he was. He grew to love Andrew and Evan, Drew and David who acted more like his brothers with every day that passed. His mind went from the four older men to a younger one. Ever since he started to feel love for the others he notices his love for the young Andy was a different kind. He wanted to take care of him, wanted to make him laugh, wanted to stay in his life forever and a minute. He felt sick thinking about loving a young kid, a twelve year old kid when he had just turned seventeen, and even though Andy looked a bit older than his age he was still a minor, Andy was the light at the end of the tunnel, he was the sunshine in Ethan’s life and he hated himself for feeling those disgusting things for a child. So here he was scolding himself for feeling this, in his mind he was nothing but a pervert and he swore to himself that those thoughts would stay in his head, no one had to know what a sick minded pervert he was.

Within a year he became popular, the quarterback of school, he had friends and every girl wanted to be his. He hadn’t come out yet, he wasn’t ashamed of who he was, but in his head it didn’t matter if they knew or not, he didn’t have a crush on anyone in school, of course until now that is.

Andy had just started high school at the age of thirteen, the kid was freakishly smart, he was at Ethan’s level and now the kid was attending school with Ethan, and just like himself Andy had made friends of his own in just a few days. Who wouldn’t want to be his friend, he was smart, funny and adorable, the way he squinted his eyes when he was trying to look at something, the way he would bite his bottom lip when he was thinking about something or when he was nervous. The pranking he did on his dad Drew, whom hated it every minute of it but always forgave his son.

Ethan let out a big sigh as he notice that the bell was about to ring; it was uncanny how he never paid attention in any of his classes and still passed with flying colors.

Thanks to Evan he got caught up in all his school work, Andrew helped him also and still does, Drew had mention to Ethan a while back something about Andrew being a caring father and that thank god he had someone he could focus his attention other than him. Drew had welcome Ethan into the family and started to call him bro. Which it confused the hell out of Ethan, Andrew his adoptive father was Drew’s father, so that would make Drew, Ethan’s adoptive brother, Evan was Andrew’s husband and Ethan’s other adoptive father, but he was also Drew’s best friend almost a brother. And David was Evan’s ex-boyfriend before Andrew came into the picture, David was also Drew’s husband. Ethan always got a headache when he tried to keep track all of that information. So he just finally gave up and saw Drew as a brother, David as his brother in law and Evan as well as Andrew as his adoptive parents, Andy however was different, Ethan was supposed to see him as his family, maybe cousin, or nephew, but he couldn’t, not when he had this strong feelings that he was hoping one day would go away. Until then he just had to stay away from Andy as much as possible. He almost snorts at that idea, it was impossible when their houses were close to each other and the family liked to get together on the weekends and have family dinners. On top of everything else, Ethan knew that even if it could by a miracle make something happen, Andy wasn’t gay.

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