Chapter 6

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A/N's And voila, a new chapter, honestly this story is giving me a lot of trouble! Hope you all enjoy it!

Ethan sat on the kitchen table, it has been a week since he got release from the hospital, a blissful week of being with Andy, he was so happy that he wasn’t going to lose Andy, and he had put the smaller teen on a pedestal that he thought maybe Andy wouldn’t be as perfect as he had painted him. But it turn out Ethan was right, Andy was a beautiful angel, send from heaven just for him.

Now he was sitting here, debating how to bring out what he wanted to tell his fathers.

‘’Ev-dad, can we talk?’’ Evan widens his eyes in surprise but didn’t comment on Ethan calling him dad instead of Evan.

‘’Sure so, what’s on your mind, should I get your father?’’ Evan smiles encouraging Ethan to go ahead and talk to them, to open up and trust them.

‘’Why are we getting me for? What’s going on?’’ Andrew questions as he comes in the kitchen fixing his tie.

‘’Ethan needs to talk to us, sit down I’ll get your coffee.’’ Andrew nods as he goes and joins his son on the kitchen table.

Once Evan handed Ethan and Andrew their coffee, he took a sit as well and gestures Ethan to go ahead and talk.

‘’Well, first of all I want to thank you both for adopting me, loving me and giving me a family, you guys gave me hope when I was sure there wasn’t any for me back when I was in the system and for that I could never repay you,’’ Andrew frowned as he hears Ethan’s voice, it seemed like a speech leading to saying good bye to them, and when he opens his mouth to ask Ethan what the hell was going on, Ethan raised his hand as if silently telling Andrew to wait until he was done talking.

‘’I decided, that I’m going back to my last name, my sperm donor’s last name.’’ Evan couldn’t help it, he gasps in shock, Andrew was a whole different story, Ethan couldn’t  read Andrew’s face, it was blank and it made Ethan squirmed a little, once Evan calm down he slowly turns to Andrew and gives him a little nudge with his elbow. Andrew slowly turns to Evan and gives him a smile to make him feel a little better, he then turns to Ethan and sighs deeply.

‘’Ok, Ethan we respect your decision, but you have to help us out here son, we need to know why you’re doing this, you’re old enough to decide which last name you decided to carry, but all I’m asking is for an explanation as to why.’’ Andrew states, even though inside he was shaking, why would his son want to go back to that last name, didn’t he know that carrying that name will always remind him of how they treated him, Andrew didn’t want for the past to follow Ethan, but he would do anything to help his son, even if it meant doing something he hated.

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