Chapter 3

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Ethan and Andy went to the American museum of natural history on central park, they got to see the exhibitions, about Theodore Roosevelt memorial, museum scientist and imaging technologies, the butterfly conservatory, whales giants of the deep and frogs a chorus of colors. Andy was happy and Ethan was ecstatic at being responsible for that sweet smile.

They finish the museum and they decided to go eat something.

Ethan kept looking at Andy, he wanted to see if Andy check out girls but he didn’t. In fact Andy never stared at anybody at all. Ethan frowned now that he paid attention, Andy never show any signs of having a crush on anyone.

‘’Ethan, are you ok? You look confused.’’ Andy questions tilting his head to the side while studying Ethan.

‘’Yeah, I’m fine just thinking about some things.’’ Ethan grumbles as he takes a bite from his chili dog.

‘’You want to talk about them?’’ Andy hoped that Ethan would confide in him, but felt disappointment when Ethan shook his head no and continued eating.

By the end of the day, they both went back home. Andy wanted this day to never be over, he had fun with Ethan but by the looks of Ethan he was in a hurry to drop him off. Andy felt sad and fought the tears that were trying to roll down out of his eyes.

‘’I’ll see you at school.’’ Andy whispered as he slowly open his car door. ‘’Bye Andy, I’ll see you around.’’ Ethan tried to smile but fell to, and instead he grimaced.

Ethan went home, he felt like he always did whenever he dropped Andy off, empty with a hole in his chest, it seemed like his heart only beats when Andy was around him other than that, he felt dead and that scared him. To have that feeling of needing someone, he had promised never to depend on no one other than himself, since his family kicked him out for being gay, he swore never to let anyone get close to him. Well he was failing because he was letting Andrew, Evan and Andy too close to his heart and he was scared shitless.


Andy was sitting on his chair in front of his desk, he had his laptop open with his Facebook page open, apparently there was a party going on at one of Ethan’s friends.  Andy wondered if Ethan was going, but had stopped himself from asking him.

‘’Andy, how was your day son?’’ Andy smiles at David as he gestures his dad to come in.

‘’It was good, I had fun hanging out with Ethan.’’ Every time he talked about Ethan, he couldn’t fight the smile.

‘’I’m glad, Andy can I ask you something?’’ David asks with a nervous tone.

Andy looks at his dad, he had a bad feeling about this but he didn’t want to make his dad feel uncomfortable so with a slow nod of his head, he stayed quiet waiting for David to ask his question.

‘’Son, are you, well what I’m trying to ask is, do you like girls or boys?’’ Ah the –are you gay question-.

‘’The truth?’’ Andy asks and waits for David to nod.

‘’I don’t feel attracted to anyone,’’ Andy paused to think, why was it that as soon as he said that Ethan’s face came to mind.

‘’I don’t really look at girls that way, and the same with boys.’’ And there it was again, Ethan’s smiling face in his mind. Maybe his inner self was trying to tell him something, maybe he liked Ethan more than just a friend, when he felt his heart beat just thinking about Ethan that way, he had his answer, he liked Ethan in a romantic way, he wasn’t sure how the other boy felt about him so he decided to not say his name, but that didn’t stop him from somehow describe him to his dad.

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