Chapter 5

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A/N'S ~Ok, so wow, last chapter was very emotional and some of you guys weren't too happy with it, and yes I haven't been able to update like I used to but, I have work and life has been too hectic lately, I do try and update as much as I can, but sometimes i'm just too drained of energy to eat let alone write, so here's the next chapter, only like two more left, I have said this was a short story.. I hate putting Ethan in pain, gah that was a horrible thing to do and I promise it will stop... So thank you for those who are still reading this even though some chapters were sad!

Andy, Drew and David rush into the hospitals ER following the paramedics who had just left Andrew and Evan’s home with an unconscious Ethan. Andy couldn’t believe what he heard happened, they had to be wrong, Ethan couldn’t have tried to commit suicide, Andy let a sob come out and he stop walking as soon as he was at the front of the small room where they were keeping him, he could hear doctors barking orders, nurses running around, they were stabilizing Ethan, and they were going to pump his stomach and pump out all the pills he had taken. Andy shook his head no, with tears in his eyes, this had to be a dream, there was just no fucking way Ethan would do this, no fucking way in hell, Ethan was a strong boy, he was the high schools’ quarterback, the popular cute boy with so much to live, why would he do this? What on earth possessed him to do this to himself? He looks around and sees a broken Evan, Andrew patted his back consoling him, David was holding a crying Drew in his arms while he cried himself, they were all worry for Ethan, all desperate to find out if the boy was going to be alright. All of them probably wondering what drove Ethan to this point.

And a thought came into Andy’s head, without thinking he turn around and glare at his father, he stomp his way towards him and stop once he was face to face with the one person who most likely had talk to Ethan last.

‘’What did you do?!’’ Andy shouts angry at his dad, tears rolling down his eyes making him see blurry but he didn’t care, ‘’what did you tell him to make him do this?’’ Andy questions his dad choking on his own sobs.

‘’I- he-, god damn it Andy don’t you think I already blame myself for this, I fucking do! It’s my fucking fault he’s in there, I swear I didn’t mean to, I was just-‘’ Drew stops talking, he was aware of the big fuck up he had done, Andrew came up to Andy and wraps his arm around his waist to pull him away from a broken Drew, David was trying to whisper words of encouragement into his husbands ear, but Drew couldn’t stop crying, couldn’t stop blaming himself, because deep down everyone was blaming him, Only Andy had the balls to speak up.

‘’Andy, you need to calm down, it won’t help Ethan if we turn on each other.’’ Andrew murmurs softly, Andy turns to look at his grandpa, the older man look so calm and well put together, but underneath that, Andy could see the worry in his eyes, the need to shout and cry and beg god to spare Ethan’s life.

‘’Why aren’t you mad at dad?’’ Andy questions as he takes a sit on an empty chair.

‘’Is not his fault, Drew did say some things to Ethan but what Ethan did wasn’t Drew’s fault, or Ethan’s, is nobody’s fault, this things just happens, maybe Ethan was scared, lonely and maybe we could’ve prevented it from happening, but we don’t know what’s going to happen in the future, I’m just glad we got to him before it was too late,’’ Andrew paused and turn to look at his broken husband silently praying for their son’s life, ‘’when I heard Evan screamed from Ethan’s room, I almost lost it but I remind it myself that I needed to stay calm, I knew we were all going to be a mess, because we all love Ethan, including your father.’’ Andrew said gesturing to a broken Drew who was being held by David.

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