You're amazing!!

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~Maka's P.O.V.~

"Ow!" I cant believe I fell for that tripping skit again..All the other kids laughed at me not bothering to help me. I got up and dusted off my skirt and kept walking like nothing ever happened, but of course they were still laughing and pointing at me so it was hard to make it better..

Sorry! I didn't introduce myself hehe.. I'm your natural 16 year old nerd girl. I wear a school girls outfit. Lots of the students here think its weird but I like it. I'm an honor student determined to beat Ox Ford, my arch nemesis. I have ashy blonde hair and green eyes. I attend here at the D.W.M.A.. I have a cat named Blair and a drunk idiot I have to call my Papa. My amazing Mama got a divorce with the drunky over his crimes of being a womanizer when I was 11. She left me in his hands to take care of me but I learned by myself. Ever since that happened he's been saying non stop that he loves me and my mama. Like I would ever believe.him. He has a drunky buddy too named Giriko. They act the same like they're brothers and cheat on every woman on earth. I never want to see a guy get next to me or they will never see daylight tomorrow.....but there was one small thing that happened when I was 10, I think..hmm. I can't remember. People only see me as a nerd because I get good grades and high on the charts but I really love to sing. Crazy huh? I play guitar too. I'm not going to even start with my appearance..

"I've waited for you for 8 minutes. Something wrong? You're not like this Maka." There she was. My only true friend Tsubaki. We met when we first got in high School. She was pretty, tall and nice. When I first got here I had no idea were was class and we bumped into each other both not knowing were to go and some how we became best friends. We mostly have same classes.

"No, I'm fine I just got tripped again." I answered her previous question. She looked at me like I just took away her lollipop, sad. But she turned and we started to walk home.

"I really don't like those bullies. Who even tripped you?" Tsubaki asked. I gripped my books tighter to my chest. I didn't want to say it. I didn't want to say that witches name! My bangs covered my deadly eyes I had on.

"Medusa..." I said but it flew away with the wind. But I think she might've heard me because her soft hands became steel fists.

"I hate that girl." She said. I just nodded.

"Besides that, why don't we go to the mall today to get everything off our minds and be free? What do you say?" I could tell she had her hopes up. I'm not a big fan of the mall and I have to get more food money by going to play my guitar and finish my song I'm working on, but I couldn't tell her that because no matter how much we are BFF's I can't tell her that...I just can't...

"Sorry I can't. Remember we have homework?" I asked her.

"But it's only 5." She tried to convince me.

"Tsubaki! I cant!" Yes. That's what I say everyday. 'I can't'. Ever since my mom left me 'I can't' do anything. She shut up after that and I suddenly felt guilty.

"Tsubaki I'm sorry it's just tha-"

"No it's ok, I understand, don't worry about it." She didn't look at me when she said that.

~7 minutes later~

She left back at her house since hers is closer. When I reached my door I picked out my key from my pocket and opened it. When I do I see my Papa trying to swallow another woman.

"PAPA!!!" I screamed. He jumped up and said he was sorry and the lady was just sitting there not knowing what to do. I took his ear and pulled him in the kitchen.

"Papa, you told me you had to work late! You lied to me!"

"Papa's sorry Maka! If mama didn't leave papa then none of this would have happened."

I rolled my eyes.

"If you never cheated on her in the first place then none of this," I pointed to the lady. "Would never happen!" He started to laugh. Every second he laughed the more I got angry.

"What?! I never did such things! And if a did how would I apologize?"

I gritted my teeth. "Call her." He laughed again. "Too late now!" He laughed in my face. I smelled...alcohol. I ran to my room almost crying. I closed the my door and wiped my face. I missed my Mamas touch. That didn't help because it made me cry more. Blair came out from under my bed and did her signature "Mew" sound. She saw me crying and rubbed herself on my ankle to show her support and to repay her I scratched the back of her head. She purred in delight and walked to my bed and went back to sleep on my pillow.

After a while I stopped crying and took out my book, song book, to be specific. I looked at what I wrote down.

You're right

That's being human

In time...

It's so beautiful

Those are the words my mama said when I was little but that's all I wrote so I sat down and continued.

~ 10 minutes~

"Gah!!" I threw my pencil at the desk and put my head in my hands. Making lyrics is harder than I thought. All of a sudden I heard moaning of pleasure. Blair suddenly woke up and hid herself under the covers. I am NOT going to stay here hearing that! I took my guitar, song book and ran out my window.

I ran so much I didn't realize I was 5 streets away from my house and left my cat home. I feel bad now but there was a park so I slowed my running and sat down on the bench. I put my guitar to the side.

"Damn.." I forgot to bring my pen. Guess I'm on my own tonight... I picked up the guitar and started to strum. A few people came by but I didn't mind.

bold: Maka singing Italics: Maka thinking


The ones who ignore common sense laugh

"Too late now!" My papa laughed at something that made sense.

What will they lie about next?

He lied to mama..

What will be gained

Can we hang it proud?

I only have Tsubaki. Can I be proud to have one friend?

Man must go on regardless

More people came.

That is my song

I closed my eyes.

It's because your crying

It's because your lonely

You're right

that's being human

My mama's words

Those tears I cried

In time...

It's so beautiful

It's not a lie

for the real us....

I opened my eyes to see people but blurry. I rubbed my eyes and I find water. My eyes were filled with tears but the people were smiling and clapping at me. I smiled back and looked down at the floor. I saw a stack of money. I kneeled down next to the money and started counting. Slowly the clapping settled and people walked away with smiling faces, even the kids. When I was almost done I heard

"Maka?" I looked uo to see Tsubaki holding four bags. Two on one side another two on the other.

"T-Tsubaki?" I stuttered. She smiled.

"That was amazing!!!! I didn't know you had this in you." She came and hugged me. I frowned and thought

"No one was suppose to know..."

I've Got a Band (Soul Eater)Where stories live. Discover now