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 Okay I've been procrastinating a lot and I dont like my stories unfinished like this. I would like to ask for help~ I'm serious though. I have an idea but my soul is like 

"No. Stop. Go on Tumblr. YouTube. ANYTHING BUT HERE"  Next thing you know I'm looking at some anime openings .-. 

It's not that I dont have an idea I just cant explain it in words. If I didnt explain it in words it would look a lot like this:

Maka: *gasps* *Maka-chops Soul* idiot!

Soul: *falls* *rubs head* That hurt Maka!

Maka: *turns away from him* like i care *leaves*

No. Just. No. I hate stories that looks like it's roleplaying. e.e That's a no-no for me. I just can't think of anything! Ugh this is probably really confusing =3=

Now for serious time....

 I want to say that I may or may not be having thoughts of leaving Wattpad. I'm not fit to be a writer and it obviously shows ._. I prefer to draw stuff. So I thought since I cant come up with an idea for a chapter then leave it for a year I cant continue here. Or maybe i will just restart my whole account by deleting everything. I thought about that one until I didn't want to delete my stories that I have now even though I really hate them. Weird, huh? Eh. Maybe I should restart everything. After all I'm getting bored writing SoMa and Soul Eater stuff now that I have a whole other life with KPOP, JPOP, other animes, Tumblr, Walking Dead etc.. So I'll probably stop like tomorrow or the next day. I dunno I have exams on Monday TT.TT 

Kay...bye... o3o (I love Baby Don't Cry so much ;3; uwaaaahh~ Bacon~)

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