Time at the Mall

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I'M SO FREAKING SORRY I'VE BEEN GONE FOREVER BECAUSE NOT ONLY HAS ANIME TAKEN OVER MY LIFE BUT KPOP ALSO!! FORGIVE MEEEE!! >< and I just effin disappeared 0-0 did anyone notice? okay now to the story you've been long waited for~


I walk in the hallways of school very carefully to see if no harm is coming. I slipped into class and into my seat. I took out a book and started to read. After a while other students came in and started to chat to each other. Not knowing anyone here, I just stuck my nose in my book glancing around the room from time to time.

Tsubaki wasn't in the same class with me for this period because she has Ms.Marie and I have Sid. Speak of the Devil, here he comes. I put my book away and rested my head in the palm of my hand.

"OK class you will be having exams next week-" The class groaned in annoyance.

"HEY! SHUT UP!" He screamed and I felt myself get a little smaller.

"Now as I was saying, to prepare you for the test you'll have another 2 hours in school to learn more about the tests and what is gonna be on it." I smiled and straightened myself up. Then I heard a giggle. An evil one. I look to the side and I see Medusa with her puppets by her side laughing at me. I scoff and pay attention to Sid again.

~After Class~

Click click click goes the heels of my shoes as I walk down the hallways to get to my next class. Tsubaki then comes right by my side smiling at me. We enter in out class and get into our seats. As we waited for class to start I quietly take out my song book without Tsubaki noticing. I wanted to make a new song but I didn't know what it's gonna be about. I couldn't concentrate either because I heard chattering behind me. I take a short glance and see two girls. They were wearing the same clothes. That's odd. I couldn't hear well but I heard something about shopping later. One of the two girls looked at me and I snapped my head back to the song book and waited for class.

~Time Skip/After School~

I'm currently laying on my bed doing homework with Blair by my side waving her tail in the air. When I was about to finish up my phone rang. I sat up and grabbed my phone and flipped it open. The ID says 'TSUBAKI' on it so I click the answer button and but it next to my ear.

"Moshi Moshi?" I asked.

"Ahh Maka-chan I was wondering if you could come to the mall with me."

I sighed and thought about. I sighed once again.

"When is it?"

"Today. It'll only be an hour and it's 8:00."

"OK Tsubaki I'll go." I started to put on my shoes.

"Great! I'll be there in a minute." She hung up.

~Another Time Skip~

"Maka! Let's try going in here!" She pulled my arm, dragging me into a random store.

"Matte!* I still have to finish my pretzel!" I whined. Tsubaki mumbled a sorry and shoved the treat in my mouth as I slowly chewed on it.

"Now let's go!" Tsubaki dragged me again. Tsubaki and I were looking at dresses for her to wear. She suggested that I get something but I'm fine with the clothes I have.

"Ooh! Sis! I like this dress~!" A really high pitched voice squeaked.

"Yeah. Let me see first most of the dresses you pick are weird.." a deep but still girly voice replied.

"Maka! What do you think about this dress?" Tsubaki grabbed a blue strapless sweetheart neckline dress and was about to show me when another hand popped up and caught the dress. I tried to help Tsubaki and pulled the dress back. A short blonde haired girl fell down on us. She sat up and helped Tsubaki and I.

"Whoopsie~ I'm sorry~!" She apologized.

"No it's alright." Tsubaki eye smiled. I nodded my head in agreement. I eyed the blonde for a moment.

"Do you, by any chance, go to the DWMA school?" I asked. She nodded happily. A little to happy.

"Uh-huh~! And so does my sis! SIS!" She screamed. A long haired brunette girl came in.

"Yeah Patti?" She asked boredly. The blonde pointed at us.

"She knows who I am~!" She smiled. The brunette shook.

"You mean...like STALKERS?!" I shook my head.

"N-no! Nothing like that! It's just I've seen you before around school..." The blonde, who I learned to know the name is Patti, talked with Tsubaki about the dress. She stopped shaking and examined me.

"Hmm. You do look familiar. Oh wait! I remember!" She grabbed my arm and pulled me away from my friend and her sister just inches away.

"Your that girl I saw in class with that song book." I froze.

"Y-you saw that?" I stuttered. She nodded.

"I know your like the top A student. But I never knew you could write songs..." I rubbed my arm.

"I didn't want anyone to know..." She pointed at Tsubaki.

"Does she know?" She asked. I scratched the back of my head.

"She found that out on her own." Her mouth made an 'O' shape.

"Y'know my sister and I can sing too but we prefer to be back up instead of high vocals and stuff. Maybe we can help you sometime." I smiled.

"Sure but when I'm comfortable about this whole thing ok?" She nodded in understanding. She looked at her sister.

"Well Patti we gotta go it's almost curfew." Patti whined.

"No whining lets go." She grabbed her sisters hand and headed off.

"Wait!" I called. They looked back.

"I'm Maka Albarn. What's your names?" I asked.

"Liz and Patti Thompson." She smiled and left with a flip of her hair and a giggling sister trailing behind her.


*has S.W.A.T. team in front of me*


I apologize for not updating. And now I'm going to prison- I mean hell- I MEAN SCHOOL this Thrusday TT^TT eff that man..~

And Was it her that he needed? (SoulXMaka) is discontinued because I do not have any ideas left and I hate how I wrote it and I do not like the idea of re-writing. Thank you for understanding everyone, if you did.

Well now you met Liz and Patti~ Yay!

Now that I've got this out my way I'll be listening to Kpop boys now~ *puts on bulletproof vest* Hope the feels won't hurt me...*HAHAHAHA- yeah..riiiight*

"Matte*" - in case if no one knows, it means "Wait" :T

*bows 90 degrees* Again I apologize...



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