Hello, back from the dead! I'm not even going to make an excuse for why I haven't updated in like three months. I know, I'm a bad writer. On the bright side, at least I finally did write this chapter.
-Aestia's POV-
"Oh my gosh, you're ok!" I exclaimed, hugging Lani lightly. I hadn't had the chance to visit her in the infirmary; Damien didn't want me to. "I heard so many rumors. Makayla Shore told me that you had to have a leg amputated!"
"You know Makayla. She's practically Karen Smith from Mean Girls."
"Blonde and everything." We laughed. "We need to hang out more." I bit my lip. "I feel like we never talk anymore."
"Yeah, I just told Danielle the same thing. We should have a girls' night out!"
"Yassss! I'll go get Megan. I heard they have a movie theater near the Earth cabins."
"Hm..." Noelani frowned. "I think we should just hang out in our lakehouse."
"That's a good point. We can kick Will out," Noelani laughed at this, "Don't worry, he'll be fine. He can hang with Fo-" I stuttered, catching myself. "With some friends."
"Oh my lord, Aestia, I can't wait!" Lani exclaimed, playing off my mistake.
"Me either! Ok, you go get Megan and Dani-"
"I thought you were getting Megan?" She smirked.
"Yeah, well I changed my mind. Plus, Dani was here like an hour ago."
"First of all, how is that relevant? And second of all, she was here 3 hours ago. It's already five o'clock."
"What? We've been talking for an hour?"
"Well, as the saying goes, time's fun when you're having flies." Lani shrugged. "Wait no. Reverse that."
"Have's fun when you're timing flies?" I joked.
"Haha, funny you." She replied sarcastically, but was smiling.
"Ok, back to it. I will get our cabin ready. You go get Megan and Dani. And don't forget to be careful not to stress your legs. You are recovering after all."
"You got it!" Lani beamed, and then ran off.
So much for being careful. Damien stated, and I smirked involuntarily.
It's so weird how you can make me smirk. I thought, standing up from the park bench that had been sitting on.
Like this? I smirked again.
Yes, exactly like that.
And this? I started doing the chicken dance, swinging my arms around wildly.
"Hey!" I accidentally said out loud. "I demand you to stop that. I am a princess!"
I smirked again. Oh, you mean this? I stopped doing to the chicken dance, but now I was...moonwalking? Hey that's pretty cool! I never knew I could moonwalk.

Walking On Air
Narrativa generaleAfter the tragedies of Royal Academy school, the campus was shut down! Noelani is being sent to a summer camp, but it seems pretty sketchy to her. Follow along to see what will become of dear Noelani. (Sorry about the name title. The cover says Div...