hold on, never let go

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What is love when there is no passion left over through the night?

These cold blistering winds

This world we fight

Hold onto yesterdays moments that made you smile

Hold onto the hello's and ignore the goodbye's 

No fair well is ever a good thing

Maybe, see you laters 

Should be used more

Maybe, hearts should be kept to only us

The fear of breaking and becoming less valuable than rust

What happened to the rush of happy emotions?

The days that the world seemed that much better

When you were with that special person?

We fear for love, We thrive on hate

Since when did this world

Suddenly become a political debate?

Since when did smiles turn fake

Why is everything suddenly losing it's color?

The colors fade from the eyes of a forlorn lover

The brother, sister, mother, daughter,

The father away at worlds end

Why should this little girl have to pretend?

Daddy, don't go she pleads

But her father knows he must serve his country

Food tastes bland

as grainy as sand

This world is losing it's purity

Building new ways to make our cities

Polluting the world with our greed

Planting seeds when there is no gardener to tend to them

This world we destroy with haste

As long as it suits our taste

I remember days of smiles

moments of time 

I have lost throughout the years

The child within all of us

Has grown bitter and tired of lies

Almost now,

Everyone I despise

Hold onto the memories you wish to never let go

Hold onto the moments in time where you were happy

Hold onto the person that has loved you, for you

Hold onto the people that have shown you the light

Hold onto the friends who have given you a reason to fight

Hold onto blissful tears

Hold onto the silver lining in each and every cloud

Hold onto the people that try their best to be there for you

Hold onto the beauty in yourself you let astray

Hold on for just one more day

The world can be beautiful

Just look past the negative

Positivity is hard to do

We all share days of pain

Joys of laughter

happily ever afters

We all have danced in the rain

Why must we all be enemies?

Is this what our fore fathers really would have wanted?

This hate and destruction plaugues the world

Sucks the color from our souls

Let the sun shine brighter on you each and every day

Show your true colors

If we manage to do that

All of the lost rainbows will be found

All the lost words will come around

All of the pain will slowly fade

That's when

We will all want to live another day

Hold on

for the adventure has just begun

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