Chapter 15 pt2

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Zayn's POV


I remember how sweet she smelt when she leaned in to kiss me goodbye. I could never describe her perfume. The only word that comes to mind is clean. Some soft, delicate, flowery type of clean. It was always so subtle. The strongest was when I buried my face into her neck. I never wanted to let her go.

I removed her key from my lanyard and handed it to her. "I had a great time." She smiled and reached for the door handle.

"I'll get it." I said, opening my door.

"No wai-" I ignored her and ran around the car, helping her out. "Seriously you don't have to walk me up." She said as I closed her door.

"Do you have everything?" I asked and she held up her phone and keys. "Let's go, then." I took her hand and walked her to the door.

"Thanks...for today I mean." She laughed nervously.

"Thanks for skipping." I smiled and brushed some of her loose hairs behind her ear.

"I should-"

"Shh." I put my finger to her lips before leaning in and keeping her from speaking inevitably.

Her fingers found my hair immediately, and my hands wandered on their own. Her tongue ran along my bottom lip and I opened only slightly, allowing her ingress.

My hands enjoyed the feeling of her back, sliding up and down before they reached her bum. I was preparing to hoist her up when the front door opened. I removed my hands immediately and stepped back as she awkwardly removed her hands from my hair.

I turned to see her dad glaring at the both of us, his eyes still a bit sleepy. He had definitely just gotten up. "Good morning, sir."

"It was before I saw you toungin' my daughter." He scorned me, but Daisy intervened.

"DAD. Inside. Now." She pushed him inside and turned back to me. "Bye, Zayn. Today was fun." I rubbed my neck nervously and waved to her.

I walked back and got in the car, texting her about the embarrassing situation before pulling out of the driveway and heading home.


The minute I closed the garage door, I put up my car key and turned to see a tapping foot. I followed it up from toe to head. My mother was standing there, arms crossed and scorn radiating.

"Mum." I said, walking past her headed to my room.

"Zayn Javadd you stop right there."

"Ugh, what mum." I whined.

"I got a call from your school not too long ago. Would you care to explain?"

"I skipped."

"And, what? You just expect me to clear it for you?"

"It'd be nice, yeah." I shrugged. She hated when I acted standoffish, but I didn't want to tell her anything about Daisy. The less anyone knew, the better.

"Why did you skip, Zayn?" She raised her eyebrows at me, her 'stern' look.

"I was busy."

"Yeah well you've been busy a lot lately. You're never home."

"Well neither are you so..." I walked past her, just trying to get to my room without a fight.

"Stop that! I'm trying! You know I'm trying, Zayn. I could use a little more support, and a lot less secrets." Her voice sounded like it cracked at the end, making me feel like a proper dickhead.

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