Chapter 23

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The rest of our night consisted of me stuffing my face full of pecan pie. The best pecan pie I've ever had in my life, need I add. I was happy to see that Zayn learned to bite his tongue, and ignore anything that he didn't want his mom to say - especially when the baby pictures got brought out. Zayn made his way to the couch to pout while we enjoyed the adorable pictures at the dining table.

Before I overstayed my welcome, I told Trish it'd be best I leave. She actually seemed reluctant to let me go, which I only took as a compliment. Once Zayn had stopped throwing a fit, Trish gave me the pie recipe and I went on my way.

Zayn drove me home, but due to the fact that his mom was off, he didn't stay. He only came in for a moment while I got ready for my shower, and when I was out he was gone. It didn't really bother me, because I was incredibly tired. After finishing up some last minute economics homework, I was out.


Naaaaants ingonyama bagithi Baba,
Sithi uhm ingonyama

I blindly reached for my phone and slid it open, rolling right back to bed. I pulled Zayns pillow closer, not wanting to get up. Although I probably got a good nine hours of sleep, it felt like two. My eyes were heavy, my back was sore, my breathing was slow. It was like my brain was still asleep, and refused to wake up.

"It's gonna skip again?" I ignored whomever was in my bedroom, and succumbed to sleep. " least answer me." I felt pressure on the bed when I finally realized it was Zayn. "Are you feeling ok?" He pulled me against him and nuzzled his chin into my neck.

"I'm just...tired." My voice was weak, and I used the only bit of air I had in my lungs to speak, so it caused me to yawn.

"Well there's a note on your dresser. I'm guessing from your dad."

"Oh yeah. Crap I have to turn that in." I stretched, trying harder than ever to wake up.

"If you're going, you better hurry or else we'll be late." Zayn removed himself from my bed.

"I'm going." I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"I'll toast you a bagel."

"Thank you." I yawned again.

As slow as I was moving, I was able to get ready in five short minutes. Granted, I was just wearing some yoga pants, a tank top, and Zayns red sweatshirt...but I was still ready faster than any girl I'd ever known.

I grabbed my backpack, book, and phone before I met Zayn in the kitchen. He was bagging up my bagel, ready just in time for me.

"All good?" He smiled and handed me my breakfast.

"Yeah." I yawned for probably the third time of thousands that day. "Go start the car." I said as I reached into the fridge for a water. Zayn grabbed my book and bag from me, then walked out.

By the time we arrived to school, we had five minutes to get to class. Rather than being early, I took the time to eat in the car. Zayn played on his phone, only glancing at me every so often. I could only imagine how awful I looked. I refused to look in the mirror. I completely forgot about makeup. I took my hair down in the hopes that it would take away from my zombie face.

When we got out of the car, Zayn took my things to class while I stopped by the office to drop off my fathers note. The office ladies tried to pick up some of our usual banter, but I was in no mood.

I walked into Econ the second the late bell rang. Just in time. I was becoming Zayn. Heck, I probably looked like him considering my attire. After the usual condescending remark from my inadequate teacher, and a less than disheartening glare from Lilly, I was in my seat.

I was shocked that Lilly didn't say a word to me all period, I assumed she still had a mouthful ready from the other day. After turning in our homework, Mr. T instructed that we pair up with someone and work on that weeks vocabulary. Zayn and I split the work and had it done by the end of class, whereas everyone else took the period to talk about god knows what.

My whole day was going about as fast as a turtle stuck in mud. Ms. Fay had me correct tests in second period, and in Creative Writing all we did was listen to illiterate people read their stories aloud. Zayn and I exchanged a few miserable looks, both of us obviously wanting to leave. I tried to draw in my portfolio, but my teacher wouldn't allow it.

Zayn walked me to Advanced Ceramics, and reluctantly let me go into the one class him and I didn't have together.

Ms. Fay had more tests she wanted me to grade, even though I needed to glaze my pot. I wasn't really at the top of my ceramic game anyway, so I didn't mind. I got the tests from her, and took a seat at my table.

"So you were the talk of the party." Franky laughed.

"Why's that..." I feared his answer.

"Are you kidding? You kicked ass at beer pong!"

"Technically you did all the work. I was just the monkey who could throw a ball."

"If monkeys could throw like that, I would buy one to be my partner from now on." He laughed.

It was strange how relaxed he was. We were having an actual conversation. We hadn't done that since the first week of school. The rest of the class was actually relaxing. I don't know if it was the dark skies outside or the fact that Franky and I had a civil conversation, but I was happy. Something Zayn was surprised to see when I met him after class.

Peer Resource was as pointless as ever. The whole class was spent with everyone on their phones, doing whatever they pleased. We planned a potluck for Thanksgiving, and that was literally it. I was actually kind of excited, because I hadn't really celebrated Thanksgiving since mom left.

I was able to finish two drawings in my portfolio. I wish I could say the same for Zayn, but I never knew what he was doing in his portfolio, let alone how much he got done in a day.

When lunch finally came around, I was convinced the day would never end. Zayn and I walked quickly to his car so we could make it to the nearby coffee shop and be able to eat there, rather than rush back to campus. I had to admit, I really liked being able to go off campus with him. It was definitely better than what I was forced to do at the beginning of the year.

Zayn and I grabbed some deli sandwiches, juice, and took a seat at a small circular table outside the coffee shop. It was a bit cold, but I've never been a fan of hot weather anyway, so I enjoyed it.

"So, I wasn't really gonna say anything until it got closer, but I'm planning-"

"Zaynie!" A squeal interrupted whatever Zayn was about to tell me, and judging by the look on his face he knew exactly who our guest was.

"Hi, Julia." He looked annoyed as he took another bite from his sandwich.

"What's up? You're lookin' top notch today, aren't ya?" She laughed as she pulled a chair up to our table. A table that was obviously meant for only two people. "Why so quiet, Zaynie?" She ruffled his hair.

I took that moment to examine her appearance. Her hair was so dirty and knotted she may as well have had dreads. She was wearing an unbuttoned red flannel, with a black tank top underneath. She had faded, black, ripped jeans adorning her frail legs, and some green combat boots tied onto her feet. I hated her. As dirty as she looked, she looked fantastic. And confident.

"You know I don't like that nickname." Zayn growled and moved away from her hand.

"Who's your friend?" She directed her attention to me. "You're adorable." She smiled.

Ok, I may be small, but I have more meat on my bones than you. Don't test me. I barked at her in my mind.

"Names Daisy. And you are?" I spoke up when Zayn didn't. He was too occupied with his sandwich.

"Julia." She stuck her hand out, and I hesitated shaking her chipped-black, painted fingers. "So you gonna be around this Saturday?" She diverted her attention back to Zayn.

"No." He barely gave her the time of day.

"Why not? You rarely come around anymore. Why don't you bring Daisy with you?" She smirked.

"Not happening."

"Alright you're harshing my mood." She scoffed. "Good luck with grumpy ass." She said to me and left. Without putting her chair back. I took it upon myself to kick it away.

"Okay, who the heck was that?" I asked Zayn seeing that he immediately relaxed when she was gone.

"Julia. She's annoying as hell."

"I gathered. But who is she?"

"Old friend I guess." He shrugged. "She graduated like three years ago, I think."

"How do you know her?"

"Jeez, babe. What's with the third degree?" He took a bite of his sandwich without looking up at me.

"Nothing. I just don't like her." I stated bluntly.

"Yeah, not many people do." He laughed. "She takes some getting used to." I had absolutely no intentions of getting used to her.


"Yeah....we should probably head back." He began to clear our trash and I walked to the car.

We pulled onto campus as the bell rang, and I grabbed my portfolio. Zayn took it from me, and carried mine and his under his arm. As we left the parking lot, he pulled me closer, intertwining our fingers.

We passed crowds of people, all of them seeming to notice our hands. When I looked up to him he was only looking forward, a gracious smirk plastered right onto his face. He knew what they were thinking, and he enjoyed it. Zayn liked the attention, the fawning girls, the jealous stares. I always thought he was blind to it, that he genuinely didn't notice the way people looked at him. He owned a room when he walked into it, and in that moment, I realized he knew. He knew, and he soaked up every bit of it.

We crossed the quad, and almost got to art, when someone came over the intercom.

"Zayn Malik, please report to the attendance office. Zayn Malik to attendance." He groaned and released my hand, giving me my portfolio and a kiss goodbye.

The office was right outside our class, so he didn't have to walk far, but I really despised walking into that class alone. I was used to having Zayn at my side.

I took a seat at my table, next to Franky as always.

"What'd loverboy do?" He teased.

"I don't know." I turned to him. "Nope no bruises on you...provably just a question about something about a parking pass maybe I don't know." I smirked at my joke.

"I ratted him out."

"You what?!" If I had a drink in my mouth, surely it would've been all over him.

"He beat me up. That's what he gets." He shrugged, so nonchalant sitting back in his chair.

"You're about to get it again. How dare you!" I clenched my fists into his shirt and pulled him close.

"Woah! Daisy, calm down! I was kidding!" I sat back and slowly let go of his shirt, closely studying to see if he meant it or not.

"That's not funny." I concluded.

My mind was lost as I drew into my portfolio. The anger Franky had ignited inside me created a page of red. Red flames, red fists...just a whole bunch anger. Before I knew it, the bell had rung.

I closed my portfolio and went to gather my things before I remembered they were with Zayn. I grabbed my portfolio, stood up, pushed in my chair, and went on my way. I ignored the class set of pencils I'd used, I just wanted to get out of that class.

As I passed the office, I glanced inside to see if Zayn was still in there, but saw no sign of him. I crossed the quad, slightly annoyed at the thought of what took him so long. Nothing should keep someone in the office for over an hour.

The rush of students crowded the exit by the cafeteria, and took ages to move. If I were bigger I could've pushed through. Zayn wouldn't have had to push, they'd just move. He had that presence over people whether he wanted to admit it or not. You'd never know he was the loser kid that got bullied freshman year.

I made it out of the unnecessary crowd, and walked quickly to the parking lot. I could still see Zayn's car, so thankfully he was still on campus, I just didn't know where. As I got closer I began to look around. I hoped I'd see him appear through the quad, but had no such luck.

I did see Lilly though. She was coming to her truck that was parked right next to Zayn. I went to my side of the car in order to avoid her pointless stares. As I leaned onto the door with my back to the school, I was startled by my window rolling down.

"Are you gonna get in or just stand out there?" Zayn laughed.

"Have you been in there the whole time?" I asked as I opened the door.

"Yeah. For the last forty minutes actually." He took my portfolio from me and placed it in the back as I buckled in.

"Why? Why didn't you just come back to class? Why'd you get called to the office?"

"Woah, baby. Calm down. Breathe for a minute." He stifled a laugh as he rubbed my arm. "Did something happen in art? You seem all riled up..."

"Franky thinks he's funny when he's not. But that doesn't matter, what happened?"

"You know, I thought maybe things were getting better when you left advanced ceramics in a good mood. Should've known that prick couldn't keep it up for long. I'll kick his ass for you, babe. No worries." He started the car.

"Oh my gosh." I rubbed my temples, exasperated. "There will be no butt kicking needed." I sighed. "Now answer my questions."

"What was the first question?"

"Why did you sit in the car for so long?" I reminded him.

"Because I couldn't come back to class. Technically I was supposed to leave campus immediately."

"Why?" I was confused.

"I got suspended."

"For what?! How long?!"

"Five school days. And cause it turns out my mum didn't clear my absence. They were gonna give me clean up duty, but said this wasn't the first time so they just suspended me." He shrugged.

"Wh- they...they can't do that!"

"Already did, babe."

I sulked into my chair, feeling ultimately defeated. Five days. Without Zayn. My bestfriend hated me, and the only other person I talked to was a jerk.

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