Chapter 35

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"You can't be mad, ok? I only did it for you." He said as we pulled into his garage.

"Zayn." I was growing impatient. The whole car ride I pressured him, trying to get him to tell me how he paid for Monterrey, and he was adamant on not telling me.

"Alright. Well, you know Christian right?" I looked at him annoyed. He knew very well how much I knew Christian. "Well he grows...well, you know...Marijuana."

"Still not seeing how any of this has to do with you." In the back of my head, I knew what he was getting at. But, I was hoping I'd be wrong.

"I sold his weed for money." He looked away from me.

"What?! Why would you even work with that guy!"

"Because my mom needed money! I started freshman year...I've been selling for him on and off since then."

"So you're telling me, even after you punched that asshole, he still let you sell his weed."

"Not just weed..."

"You've got to be kidding me." I couldn't help but feel a little hurt. He knew how much drugs had ruined the people around me.

"It gets worse."

"I doubt that. It's pretty damn bad right now." I stared at him as he rubbed his forehead as if that would stop his eyebrows from scrunching together.

"I'm your dad's dealer."

"WHAT?!" I jumped out of the car. "Are you fucking kidding me, Zayn?! Weed is a gateway drug! Tell me you're messing with me."

"I hate to do this to gets worse." He seemed relentless, but at the same time...I'd asked for it.

"There's no possible way it could get worse."

"Come here, please." He came around the car, reaching for me.

"No. You need to let me process this for a minute." I put my hands up, and backed away from him. "What's worse. What else happened."

"Well...Freshman year, the first time Christian took me to sell some weed, it was to a nice woman. I never actually learned her name, just her face. Eventually Christian let me sell her the weed on my own. Then, one day, Christian sent me with a bag of ecstasy and told me to meet her. She took it and thanked me. Then, one day I was at the store, picking up a few things for my mum, and I saw the woman. We're not really supposed to talk to them unless it's in a designated meet-up spot. So, I started to leave the fruit section so that she didn't see me...and then you came around the corner. And, you walked up to her.. and you didn't see me, but I could see you. And I could hear you clearly asking 'Mum, what eisle are the cookies in, I can't find them.' That was how I found out. The next time I was supposed to meet her, I was supposed to bring her cocaine. But, I refused. I met her and told her that I knew who she was, and that I refused to give someone - who had a child to take care of - drugs. Christian was pissed. I involved personal issues. You, being the personal issue. I liked you, even then, and I've seen what drugs do to I refused to sell to her. You said she started heroin, right? That wasn't me. I mean, maybe she went behind my back to Christian...but I don't think he has stuff like that. He just has pills and weed. The cocaine he had was like a one time thing that he never got again after he sold that one little baggy." I watched his lips move in horror. Each word hit me harder, and I had nowhere to run. I was stuck at his house. In the woods. It was like a scary movie, and I was the stupid girl that was running toward the killer. "You have to know, I never would've sold to her if I knew who she was. And, I wouldn't have sold at all if I didn't need the money."

"Are you still selling?"

"Well...yeah?" He didn't want to answer, but the worst was obviously already out in the open.

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