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Avion stayed at Sasha's place with her parents for three whole months after the incident occurred. The cops were still investigating the death of her mother and her brother's disappearance. The whereabouts of her car were still unknown, as this crime has been written down as the most unbelievable crime in Jacksonville.

When Avi's father, John, heard about the incident, he suggested that Avi should live with him in South Hill, if she wanted to. She wanted to be far away from this town, so she took up his offer. The last time she saw him was three months ago, at the funeral.

She therefore had to attend a new school, and get use to a new environment. John lived alone, so having her stay with him would keep him company, although they have been quite distant. He got in contact with Avi, and they both arranged a place where he would pick her up, which was at the town's bus stop. Sasha was their with her keeping her company.

-Sasha: I'm going to miss you so much. Promise me you'll visit.
-Avi: I will.

She hugged Sasha as tears ran down her cheeks.

-Sasha: Oh I'm going to ruin my makeup.

Avi let out a small laugh at her as she started to become teary too.

-Sasha: You're leaving so much behind. Me. Tony.
-Avi: I know. I'm guessing Tony is upset with me because I've been ignoring his calls and messages.
-Sasha: He's a good guy. He'll understand.

Avi sighed as she looked at her watch.

-Avi: Yeah I hope so. But I think this will be good for me. To get away from all the craziness in this town.
-Sasha: You might as well take me with you.
-Avi: If I do that, who will become prom queen this year?

Sasha blushed as she gave Avi a light slap on her arm.

-Sasha: Yeah you right.

They both laughed. Moments later, a vehicle drove up on the curb. It was Avi's father. John was a 44 year-old man with short blond hair like Andy. He was tall and was bearded up, but not fully. He was like the older version of Andy.

-John: Hop in.

Avi took up her luggage and Sasha helped her put them in the trunk. Sasha quickly hugged Avi. Avi got in the car and blew Sasha a kiss. Sasha playfully pretended that she caught it and placed it in her pocket. The car drove off and from that moment, it was pure silence.

Avi kept her focus outside the window, looking at the trees and the birds and everything she was leaving behind. She was on her way to something new. Her left hand was on her jaw, while her right hand was busy playing with her hair. John was glancing at her every minute, until he decided to break the silence.

-John: How are you?

Avi jumped up but didn't make it obvious to him. She was surprised that he actually spoke after hours of silence in the car. Their eyes made one.

-Avi: I'm good.
-John: Good.

He nodded his head slowly.

-Avi: And you?

He glanced at her with a smile.

-John: I'm good too.
-Avi: Good.

She felt the awkwardness between them. She hasn't seen this man for three months now, and she knew that it would be hard getting use to him.

-John: You're gonna lo...

Before he could finish his statement, the phone rang; Avi's phone. She struggled to take it out of her pocket but eventually got to it. She realised that it was Tony. She let it ring until it stopped. She sighed and dug herself in the seat. John glanced over to her.

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