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I know your tired of hearing about this but listen...
It's a real problem, A HUGE problem
Especially with it being online now
So hear me out:

I'm using examples from the book Divergent to explain, (it's a good book BTW)

All quotes belong to Veronica Roth

"We believe
in shouting for those who can only whisper, in defending those who cannot defend themselves."

^ This Applies to all witnesses. I mean come on people, the Dauntless aren't the only brave ones, we can each be brave and help out the victim.

"We do not
believe that silence is useful"

^ Listen, whoever out there is getting bullied...please don't keep it a secret..there are Adults who - I promise - will help you, and friends, and parents who care about you. You don't need to go through this alone, trust me there are people like you who are being bullied and it helps a lot when they tell an adult they trust.
So go to the guidance counselor or a principle, or a teacher maybe... just a suggestion.

"We do not believe
that we should be allowed to stand idly by."

Bystanders....guys...do you think it helps if you stand in the background watching someone getting beat up...do you think it helps to laugh!? That's encouraging the bully..and if you think that the entire bully won't pick on you next, trust me he/she might..imagine you being bullied do you want a bunch of f*cking bystanders standing there doing jackshit. When they could tell the teacher or tell that bastard to stop! Think about it. You can be an Upstander - a person who helps the victim- instead of a bystander, which may I add, is WAY better.

Bullies pick on someone just to feel better about themselves, maybe they were bullied in the past, or have trouble at home, maybe they are jealous because your smarter and more awesome...but that doesn't make bullying right..so let's all join in and help stop this..It has gone on long enough


Oh and BTW any bullies reading this

You better fucking stop.

It's not cool.

You may feel more 'popular' more 'cooler' but your not.

And people who you think ink are 'nerds' or 'homosexual' or 'different race' or whatever are just different and you should respect that. Just because they don't have what you have doesn't mean you can pick on them, just because you have more money doesn't change a thing.

Just because you were, Bullied, or if your jealous, or have trouble at home doesn't mean you can go around and be a total jackass to someone else

Be considerate about others..do you REALLY want to be the e one picked on? How about if you were them..

Oh and if your saying " well I don't give a fuck, your stupid and this chapter is dumb, you should go kill yourself"

Well, I don't give a shit and I'm trying to help.

Also you can get a felony for bullying (depends on what you did and how old you are)

Also it can ruin your career, your life..I mean who would hire someone who used to bully (and probably still does).

Besides, ever think the person you've bullied has trouble at home also? I mean maybe they suffer from depression (which Is a topic I will cover)

ANYWAYS before I make an endless freaking chapter on this my point.is to stop bullying it ain't cool, and there are people who can help.

"Stay strong, Stay Awesome" ~ Legendary_wolf

Link to the place where I got the quotes: http://divergentfans.net/page/faction-manifestos#ixzz4A6ZrnacK

BTW the song is "hero by superchick"

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