Stop this fuckery

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To those of you who skip school, bully others, and do think its fun and games huh? You think just because your some little FUCKING teen your not gonna get in trouble?

Smoking weed and inhalants will kill you. It will make you incredibly dumb. So enjoy walking around being the addict who did this to themselves.

Skipping school will put you in the poor house. You will end up on the streets being a nobody.

You learn these things. Your parents warn you. Ya still do it.

I do NOT care how tough it is for you at home. You had your choice to live. And you only get 1 chance so instead of making the most of it I hear your screams and cries on the streets. That cry when you get 15+ years in prison. The scream of you getting shot and killed from the person you thought you could trust.

I wonder whose fault that is....

Is it mines? Nope

Your the one in charge of your own life. What you do to yourself affects what happens to you.

So either man the fuck up and face reality and start handling you fucking life, OR choose to be the idiot who does the drugs and skips school and ruin your whole future.

I don't even mean to be rude when I'm writing this but this immature as fucking hell and I'm not gonna keep sitting here and lecturing on and on about your future and your choices. I'm here to talk sense into you and PREVENT this from happening to PREVENT you from ruining your own life. I'm not like those stupid "stop bullying" posters that hang on the wall over looked and overly talked about.

So take this seriously and get a grip. This is ridiculous.

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