Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


Shego had run at least two miles by now. Out of breath she slowed down and dropped to the forest floor. She silently prayed Kim had not followed her. "What have I done?" She mumbled. She had ran very far and very fast. She had ran from all these feelings, but they were still with her now. And she'd left Kimmie all alone. What a bitch I am, Shego thought. 

Kim just realized that she needed to breathe. Doing so a full on wave of emotions came over her. What reason did Shego have to kiss her like that? Her thoughts went to a few boys that she'd been into. Josh, Eric, and Ron for the most part. She had crushed so very hard on them and now everything was changing. The kiss with Shego was so out of this flipping world.

It was a slow walk back to the road. When Kim focused on her surroundings Shego's car stuck out. A way home! She even thought that she'd drive it and park it a block away from her house. Shego would eventually come looking for it. 

Getting into the car and shutting the door she locked herself inside. So many things were zooming around in her head and heart. Kim closed her eyes and saw it all again. She felt everything again and imagined it. 

Shannon's hands on her wet face. The slight tilt of her head and the full on hunger from Shannon's lips onto hers. Powerful flames tearing through walls of innocence. Waking a part of her she didn't realize existed. To know all this time there was another side of herself that had been silently sleeping all this time. 

Opening her eyes Kim looked around. Shego was not in sight. She wondered if she wanted to return these feelings. Could she and did she actually want to? As of now it was a strong possibility. Her eyes caught something black and large under the passenger seat. She dug it out and opened the case. CD's, lots and lots of CD's. M.C. Honey, OH Boyz, even Drakken's rap. She had to play that. She turned on the car and put the CD in to find the rap. 

And Kim laughed and laughed. Lather, rinse, obey, yeah right!  She put it back where she found it. She'd definitely use that as leverage or black mail, maybe. She noticed a lot of 80's music and boy band stuff as well as the rap music Shego adored. Kim didn't care much for it. 

Next the glove compartment got her attention. Kim pulled out 4 bubble wrapping envelopes all with things in them. She wasn't too surprised with how many passports Shego had.The woman sure did travel a lot. Most of it was duplicates of documents for insurance and other car care. The last one she looked through held pictures! Mostly of her. It looked like Shego had taken them from different angles and heights. She was creeped out a little by them. And understood why Shego had them. She cared - maybe even a little too much. 


Kim had driven herself close to home. She walked two blocks and opened the front door. The greeting of her father was snappy. 

"Kimmie! You could have called young lady!" James spat at her. It had been several hours without checking in with her parents. 

Kim leaned against the door frame. "I'm sorry today is just all weird, dad. I need a long shower and sleep." 

James came closer. Concern was in his eyes. "What happened?" 

"Personal stuff. If I need to talk about it I'll come find you or mom. For now I'm gonna keep it to myself." Kim told him and walked upstairs. 



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