Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 


Ron half smiled strangely at Shego then spoke. "Kim has this new side of her that's either desperate for attention or desperate for help. That's how I feel about her now. One day she's smiling the next threatening to jump off the roof of my house." 

Shego sat up and narrowed her eyes. "Kimmie's gone crazy?" 

Ron got to the point. "Shego, she's hurting herself too, and all of the above. I'm not sure what this is all about, but I'm super worried about her." 

Shego's mind jumped to wild images and said, "Hurting herself? Why?" She shook her head knowing the root of why this was most likely going on. The kiss. That damn freaking kiss! She hated herself for even going that far. "Are there needles and other sharp objects she's using too?" 

Ron sadly nodded. "She said pain is her freedom and her truth. Whatever that means, um, I'm not sure." 

Shego winced in her own private pain. "Any kind of creepy doll involved?" 

Ron scanned his memories quickly. He fearfully looked at Shego. "Yeah and it looks nearly identical to you! There are needles jabbed into the eye sockets!" 

Oh  my . . . Seriously, like Motor Ed would say, Seriously? The thought of him made her growl after the bull he'd put her through. Shego blamed herself for everything. For making Kimmie go mentally nutty and she had never felt so awful in her whole life. 

"Uh, Stoppable?" Ron looked at her with sadness. "It's all my fault." She honestly said. "We kissed and Kimmie thought I liked her. I ran away and she freaked out." Ron's jaw hung open in shock. Shego closed it for him. "Yeah, confession time? I really like Princess. I have from the moment we met." 


A million thoughts hurt Ron's head. Was his best friend gay? Why couldn't K.P. just tell him? 

"Ron!" Shego barked to get his attention. "Me -likey -Kimmie." She slowly told him. Look, I promise you that I will do everything in my power to keep my baby girl from killing herself." 

Ron gulped down a held breath. Suicide? Would Kim really go that far? He had to tell Shego what happened yesterday. Oddly enough he was now comfortable talking with Shego. "Yesterday morning there was a big bang on my bedroom door." He started, looking into her eyes. "Kim woke me up screaming about pulling my pants up and how I'm horrible at relationships. Like how stupid it is to even think Bonnie is a cute mean girl and Brick Flagg actually likes boys! She also said that Junior is Bi. Well, I believe the last part anyway. Oh, then she grabbed Rufus and flung him into the closet! How freaking rude! She closed it and wouldn't let him out! Then she grabbed a pen and wrote the word Monkey on my arm!" 

Ron let tears fall from his eyes as he lifted his sleeve up and showed Shego the jagged pen markings. "How could she do that? Even if she is into you or whatever. I want my best friend back." He ended sadly. 

"Like I said, I promise, I swear actually, Ron, that I will get our Kimmie back!" Shego said looking at the word on his skin. 

Shego drove to the middle of downtown Middleton a short while later without Ron. There was a small store in the back of an alley that sold a particular item. Miss Maglynn's only carried Cuddle Buddies. Rare and new ones. Shego purchased a few of them. Kim and her family had lost everything when the Lorwardians had blown up her house. 

James and Ann had it rough rebuilding from the ground up. They moved down the street and built a new dream home. Kim had been devastated and depressed, but refused to show it. 

Shego bought a handful of them including, a rare Pandaroo, an Otterfly, a Walrion and a Crocasoarous. With a basket of chocolate chip cookies too she knocked on the Possible's front door. 

Jim and Tim rushed to the door and yanked it open. "You?" They said together. They looked Shego over. Black jeans, green cami with ruffled top lining and running shoes. Her hair was pulled back into a high ponytail. 

"May I speak to Kimmie?" She asked the twins nicely. 

Jim and Tim spoke in  whispers to each other. Tim said to Shego. "I guess as long as you don't hurt us." 

Shego nodded her head. "Yeah, promise." 

Jim told her, "Good and Kim is upstairs sulking in her torture chamber. Two doors down on your left." 

Shego walked upstairs and found the door. The front of it was knifed into with a big K. 'Bet her parents love that.' She silently thought. She knocked twice. 

A growl of  "Go away!" Came though the door cracks. Shego knocked again. "I said . . . Go Away!" Kim yelled at the door to the other person on the other side. 

"No!" Shego barked back. 

Kim stood in fear and shock. She waited for green plasma to break her door in, but it never came. 


"Why are you here?" She hotly asked. 

Shego said, "Open the door and find out!" 

Kim was unsure. All her guards were up and slightly opened the door out of curiosity. "What?" She rudely said. 

Shego noticed Kim was wearing all black and her eyes looked like she hadn't slept in months. Right now Kim looked almost - evil. A smirk came to her mouth. She liked it, but it wasn't Kim. "Can we please just talk?" 

"No!" Kim screamed. "I can't talk to you! You did something to me! Shego, you've crossed the ultimate line. You made me sin!" The fear in Kim's voice made Shego almost want to cry. 

"Kim, I wanna . . ." Shego only said before being slammed up against the ivory colored hallway wall. 

Kim's eyes had a slight red edge to them. "You've filled my head with filth and unwelcomed dreams. Just stay away from me! Got it?" Kim's strength was full on. "Stay away, say it now! Say you'll stay far away from me!" 

"Okay." Shego whispered looking deep into Kim's eyes. "For now." Back down? That wasn't like Shego at all. Giving into anything or anyone was what she hated the most. She narrowed her green eyes. "Kimmie, why are you acting like this?" 

"You." She sneered. "It's all because of you." 

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