1. The Law

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I climbed on to the train, grinning at Pansy and all the other Slytherins.

The war was finally over and we could return for our last year of Hogwarts.

I sat alone in a compartment and was a little disappointed no one wanted to sit with me.

I sighed and looked out the window.

Nobody wants to sit with the boy who made a mistake. Nobody wants to sit with the Death Eater boy.

I didn't even notice I was crying until a tear fell on to my hand. I quickly wiped it away and put on a straight face.

Malfoy's don't cry.

I jumped in suprise when the compartment door flew open and a weeping Hermione fell in.

"Ahem." I coughed as she continued to bawl.

She looked up at me and tried to scurry back towards the door but I locked it with my wand and smirked when I saw she didn't have hers.

"Gonna leave without saying hello?"

She gulped and stood up.

"Malfoy please. I- I thought this one was empty-"

"Scared of the little Death Eater boy are we now Granger?"

"Malfoy!" She screamed as I grabbed her wrist and yanked her close.

"What's wrong Granger?" I asked through gritted teeth.

She started crying again.

"Granger!" I yelled as I shook her slightly.

Suddenly the door was yanked open by the ugly Weasley boy, Ron.

"Draco stop it."

Suddenly Hermione flew into my chest and buried her face into it.

"Mione' please!" Ron said, grabbing at her.

"No Ronald!" She yelled suddenly looking up. "I am disgusted by you! Go date dumb Lavander!"

I quickly pulled her back into my chest as Ron drew his wand.

"Oy Malfoy!" Ron said. "When did you get so bloody protective over her?"

"Get out of this conpartment now or I will drag you out myself." I snarled and watched as Ron glared at me and stormed away.

I flipped to Hermione who stood there crying silently.

"Get out Granger." I muttered angrily.

She left without hesitation and scurried off to Ginny's cabin.

Ron was right.

Why was I so protective over the mudblood?

Usually I would've pushed her right into Ron no matter what.

She was emotional and you were confused. That's all.

I shrugged it off.

I saved her once and that was it. Never again.


"Good evening students!" McGonagall shouted over the loud chatter.

We all shut up pretty quickly.

"I hope you all enjoyed the feast all students are dismissed except for our seventh years."

We all looked around at each confused as most of the students left quickly. Only about sixty of us remained.

"As I'm sure you know, the war has devastated the wizarding community. We lost over fifty percent of the population. As demand of The Minister Of Magic, each of you will be paired with a suitable match for a marriage partner."

All of us gasped.

"You shall all be married by the end of the year and will be required to produce two children to be sent to a magical school of your choosing after the school year ends or at the very end of it. The Sorting Hat will now determine your partner."

I groaned. I was no doubt going to be paired with Pansy, she was the only person I'd ever even attempted to love.

Harry went first and no one was suprised when the hat yelled," Ginny Weasley!"

Neville went next and was paired with Luna Lovegood, she would be transferred to the Gryffindor house.

Zabini walked up next and was paired with Pansy. I almost choked.

Who the hell am I paired with then?

Ron walked up next and I felt bad for Granger. She was going to have to live with him for the rest of her life.

"Lavander Brown!" The Sorting Hat exclaimed and that only left Granger and I.

I was supposed to marry Granger?

"Professor McGonagall? What will happen if we don't want to marry our partner?"

"You will stripped of magic and any magical recollections. Hermione Granger, you will be transferred to the Slytherin house as well. Thank you students!"

I walked up and snaked my hands around her hips.

"Get your dirty ass hands off me you idiot." She hissed.

I chuckled and threw her over my shoulder upside down.

"Put me down Malfoy!" She screamed.

I carried her like this all the way to the room and tossed her onto the bed and quickly changed, throwing her a pair of pajamas too.

She quickly crawled into bed and tried to avoid me, but I snaked my hand around her hip and hugged her close.

"Fuck you Malfoy." She said, slapping my face.

"I didn't know we were that close Granger." I said with a smirk.

"Just because I have to marry you doesn't mean you get to be nasty to me."

I laughed and tried to kiss her cheek but she swiftly kicked me in the nuts.

I hissed in agony and she scurried to the other side of the bed.

I left her alone until I heard her breath even out and she stopped fidgeting.

I slowly drew her closer and fell asleep holding her.

Maybe this whole law wouldn't be so bad.

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