7. Harry Potter and The Accidental Pregnancy (pt. 2)

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Hermione's POV•

I sat outside McGonagall's office, nervously biting my teeth.

Draco and Harry had been asked to stay in the room after Ginny's outburst and I was so scared for both my relationship and my best friend's.

Suddenly the door open and I rushed in.

"Mrs. Granger." Mcgonagall said with a nod as I sat down.

"Professor." I said with a polite nod.

"Now Ms. Weasley is definitely pregnant. " She sighed and I gasped.


McGonagall nodded.

"She has asked us not to terminate the pregnancy and I agreed. I just need you to help her through classes and things as soon she will not be able to leave the Common Room." Mcgonagall said with a slight smile and I breathed in relief that Ginny could keep her baby.

I stood to leave but Mcgonagall flicked her wand and the chair pushed into the back of my legs, forcing me to sit back down.

"Ms. Granger, you know that Ginny is not blind. She saw what you and Mr. Malfoy were headed towards. I am fine if you wish to have that happen but be warned your grades and classes will begin to slip if you cannot handle the pressure."

I gulped down the fear that came with everything she said.

"Good night Ms. Granger." She said and I slowly walked out, dazed.

Malfoy immediately greeted me with a hug and kiss but I remained still and silent.

He's going to want to finish what you started.

"Is Ginny keeping her baby?" He asked, concerned.

I nodded, not looking him in the eyes.

He didnt seem to notice as he dragged me up to our room and laid me on the bed.

It was only when he started roughly kissing me on the lips and neck when I broke out of my daze.

"No!" I screeched. I scrambled out from under him.

"Hermione? Is something wrong?"

I nodded, tears welling in my eyes. "I-I'm not ready to be pregnant."

I buried my face in my hands. I loved Draco but I just wasn't ready for that kind of affection.

I started sobbing as Draco took me in his arms and held me close.

He whispered consoling things as he slowly rocked back and forth rubbing my back.

"That's okay. I should've realized it after Ginny and everything. It's fine. I don't think I'm ready for anything like that either." He said with a slight chuckle.

I smiled half-heartedly into his chest.

And soon enough, I passed out in my lover's arms.


1 Month Later

I rubbed Ginny's belly as she laughed.

"Ginny it's so adorable!" I giggled.

She laughed and rubbed her belly as well.

Harry laughed as he kissed Ginny on the neck and I squealed as Malfoy threw me over his shoulder.

"Come on, we've got to stop oogling over the baby."

I groaned and waved at Ginny as Malfoy hauled me out.

"Put me down!" I yelled as we got into the Great Hall.

"Nope." He smirked as I began kicking him.

I stopped when I felt Ron, Lanvander, Zambini, and Pansy's eyes follow us through the Hall.

"Malfoy, put me down." I whispered sternly and he complied.

I felt goosebumps raise as the eyes continued to follow.

"Granger, ignore them."

I nodded with a sigh as I sat down tentatively next to Luna and Neville.

"Hello Hermione!" Luna said happily, sporting a flashy diamond ring.

"Luna! Its beautiful!" I squelaed, looking over it furiously.

"He proposed last night, even the Thestrals seemed happy for me."

I shuddered at the thought of the Thestrals, almost everyone could see them now.

"She was thrilled." Neville laughed, holding her hand across the table.

Malfoy slowly looked at the ring and then me before looking away.

"Mione, is Ginny really pregnant?" Neville suddenly whispered.

I couldnt help my shock that clearly showed, as I was taken aback. "Yeah.... how'd you know?"

"Hermione, you never get called into McGonagall's office and leave without an award. You left with a mess of a Ginny instead."

I sighed and nodded.

"Granger, we best head up to our room and start on homework." Malfoy said, taking me a bit roughly by the arm.

He practically dragged me up to our room and as soon as the door shut I turned to him angrily.

"What the hell was that all about?" I yelled.

"I'm frustrated Granger!" He yelled back.

"About what Malfoy? What in the bloody hell did I do?"

"I-I....... I want you Hermione."

I was stunned and confused.

"You want me- don't you already have me? We're supposed to get married and I'm supposed to bear your children, I don't understand Malf-"

He cut me off with a deep kiss.


He slowly began kissing me again and we made it over to the bed as he gently laid me down.

He left a trail of kisses down my neck and slowly began unbuttoning my blouse.

"Let me show you Hermione." He said, laying on top of me. "Let me show you how much I love you."

I didn't know what to say, I had no words.

"Malfoy.... I want-"



I apologize for disappearing for a while, school has been insane.
But I'm back! I'll attempt to update more regularly.

Love you guys❤️

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