9. Babies, Babies, and More Babies

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•Hermione's POV•

"Draco! Hurry up!" I screamed as I rushed out of our room.

"Hold on Hermione!"

I rolled out of bed and fell on to the floor, groaning as I got up.

"Draco, we're going to miss it!"

I got ready in about 5 seconds and raced after Hermione.

She apparated to the Hospital Wing and gave me a pounding headache in the process.

"Jesus Mione." I mumbled.

"Sorry." She said, attempting to hide her smile.

I kissed her forehead as she giggled.

"Come on!" She grinned, yanking me a little lighter.

We rounded the corner to find Harry a stressing mess and Ginny breathing hard on the bed as Madam Pomfrey sat at her side.

"Breathe Ginny." Madam Pomfrey urged and Ginny attempted to control her breath.

"Thank God you two are here! Ron is refusing to come. We're so pissed. It's his niece for God's sake! He should at lea-"

Hermione put a finger on his lip and he stopped.

"Harry, Ginny needs you calm and ready for the baby. Stop babbling and go help your fiancé." Hermione said sternly.

"I didn't know you were so bossy." I said, pulling her close.

"That's because you were always off with Crabbe and Goyle." She joked, flicking my nose lightly.

I leaned in for a kiss but she pushed me away jokingly.

"You are so dead for that Granger." I whispered in her ear.

"You two stop t and support your friend!" Madam Pompfrey yelled.

Hermione giggled as she dragged me over to Harry.

"Hey Gin! I'm so excited!" Hermione squealed, as she grabbed Ginny's hand.

"I would be too if - ARGHHH-this wasn't so painful!" Ginny screamed.

"Push again Ginny!"

Her screams continued to echo through the Great Hall and Harry flinched as Ginny practically broke his hand.

"Gin can I-"

"No Harry, your hand is the only thing keeping me sane." Ginny sassed as we all laughed.


After what seemed like hours, Harry was finally able to cut the cord and a screaming James Sirius Potter was born.

"He's perfect Ginny!" Hermione whispered as Ginny held him.

"Yeah, he is." Ginny mumbled tiredly.

I sat with Harry and helped him with his hand. Ginny really did break it.

"I had no clue she was that strong." Harry said, laughing.

"Those Quidditch players man." I joked.

We laughed as he looked lovingly at his fiancé and baby.

"I can't believe it actually happened." He said with a slight chuckle.

"You're pretty lucky, Harry. He's healthy and a Potter."

Suddenly, Hermione excused herself hurriedly and rushed to the bathroom.

I went to follow but Harry stopped me.

"Let her be, you have to let her do some things on her own." Harry said with a nod.

We walked over to a grinning Ginny.

"Harry, he's gorgeous!" Ginny grinned.

"Yeah, make sure you rest though Ginny." Harry said, his eyebrows furrowed in concern.

Ginny then shifted her gaze to me.

"Would you like to hold him?" She asked me.

I looked at Harry and then back to James. Harry nodded with a laugh.

I slowly took him from Ginny and laughed slightly.

James looked up at me and smiled slightly as I smiled back.

"So Draco, we were thinking... ummm since he doesn't have Godparents yet... maybe you and Hermione would like to be his?"

My jaw dropped as I looked from Ginny to Harry and back again.

"Is that even a question? Of course Harry!" I exclaimed.

I hugged Harry and then Ginny.

"I can't wait to tell-"

""Me? I heard silly." Hermione said from the doorway as she walked in.

She slowly took James from me and he grinned at her. She tickled his nose lightly before handing him back to Ginny.

"Thank you, Harry and Ginny." She said, hugging them both.

She grabbed me by my shirt collar and practically dragged me upstairs to our room.

"Hermione what the-"

She began kissing me as soon as the door was shut and grinned as we separated.

"What in the-"

She laughed and flopped on to our bed, rolling from side to side and crumpling the sheets.

She sat up as I walked towards her.

"What in the name of Merlin are you so-WOAH!"

She dragged me on to the bed and kissed me once more.

I separated quickly and pushed her down lightly.

"Hermione! What are you doing? What is the matter with you?" I yelled.

She giggled once more before sitting up and looking down at me.

"Well you see, ever since our fun couple of nights, I've been getting quite nauseous lately. So I took a test... a pregnancy test to be exact!" She squealed.

"Hermione what are you saying?"

"I'm pregnant Draco!" She yelled, kissing me again.

And that was the last thing I heard before the world went black.

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