11. The War

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I couldn't breathe.

I woke to a hnad closinng around my throat and a screaming and crying Draco standing over me.

I began desperately clawing at his hand as he closed his grip around my throat and I found my vision blurring.

I grasped my wand and cast a blinding lumos.

He released my neck and stumbled backwards, covering his eyes.

"Draco! Are you alright?"

He collapsed on to the floor, tears streaming down his face. I scrambled to his side.


"She told me I had to kill you. She was carving into your arm and I-I had to choke you. He made me and she was carving and cackling and-and-"

"Calm down. It's just flashbacks from the War, you're okay and I'm fine."

He looked at me in horror.

"I could have killed you and the baby."

"Draco, don't be irra-"

"I COULD HAVE KILLED YOU!" He screamed, making me flinch back.

He got up and began pacing the floor.


"I'm not fit for this. I can't be a husband and a good father! I just tried to kill my fiancé! I can't do this-"

"Draco, listen-"

"I'm sure the ministry can find a new husband for you, I'll just become a muggle and you and the baby will be safe-"

"Draco, I'm losing my patience! Now listen-"

"I am not fit to be a father, I'm unsafe. I can't kill my wife in my sleep, I don't want to go to Azkaban-"



"I didn't want to do this Draco. STUPEFY!"

He landed on the floor with a thud, a slight groan escaping him.

I walked calmly over to him, crouching beside him.

"If you would have listened to me, I would have told you that I can get potions for you to ensure my safety and the baby's. Now, I'm going to go out for a few hours and you can sit here and mull over how unreasonable you were being. I love you and I know you wouldn't hurt me on purpose."

I kissed him on his forehead and got him a pillow and blanket to ensure he was comfortable until the spell wore off.

I pulled on my robes and made my way down to the Great Hall.

I found Ginny talked excitedly to Luna, undoubtedly about the wedding.

"Hey Ginny, Luna!" I said, sitting down next to Ginny.

"Hey Mione!" Ginny grinned.

Luna nodded politely and began staring off into space as usual.

Ginny began telling me about everything that was going on her life but I didn't pay much attention. I was looking at Luna, who, although she was looking into the distance, looked uncomfortable and depressed.

Suddenly Luna's whipped to meet my eyes, her usual free-spirited self was gone.

"Does it still hurt?" She asked, deadly serious.

"What?" Ginny stared at us strangely.

"Mine still burns as though it was yesterday." She looked down.

"What going on?" Ginny asked and I shook my head in reply, unsure myself.

"It feels as though it's still happening, getting deeper everyday.i tried to hide it from Neville but he saw it. We fought over it."

"Over what, Luna?" I asked.

She grabbed my wrist and I tried to yank it pack but she had an iron grip on it.

"Luna, please-" I was terribly embarrassed about my scar.

She yanked my sleeve up and I looked away from the mangled scar on my arm.

"Mudblood." Luna read, tears welling in her eyes.

"It bleeds often, yes?"

I nodded, tears filling my eyes.

"She lives on in these scars." Tears were streaming down Luna's face.

"Luna, what did she do to you?" Ginny asked.

Luna lifted her robes to reveal a scar that started at the bottom of her ribcage and stopped just about her waistline.

"She marked you."

The scar was an exact replica of Bellatrix's crooked wand, burned on to Luna's stomach. It was evident that it had been a regular torture device, as it was burned deep into her skin.

"I relive it everyday, Hermione. I can't get rid of her." Luna burst into tears and crumpled into a ball, her head lying on the table.

I reached to comfort her, but just as wuickly ad it started, it was over. Luna's head bounced back up and her airy voice had returned.

"Why do you look so concerned? Too many Nargles in your head?"

Ginny and I shared a concerned look and looked back to Luna.

"Luna, let's go find Neville, okay?" Ginny said, taking the blonde by the hand and leading her away.

I hugged my robes around my self and made my way back to the room, slamming the door shut and sinking to the floor in tears.

Draco hobbled out of the bedroom, looking at me in confusion. He immediately doce to my side and started comforting me.

"What's wrong Granger?"

"She even ruined Luna, that bitch! She branded her with her wand, Luna said it hurts everyday like it's still happening." I was bawling into Draco's chest.

"I tried to help her but Bellatrix said it would get her father to tell us information. Luna's screams were so loud they could be heard throught he whole manor at night. She wasn't as airy as she usually is, not until Ollivander came and Bellatrix finally stopped torturing her. She had odd spasms, she would be airy one minute and serious the next."

I cried hard for Luna, knowing exactly how she felt.

The truth was, I relived Malfoy Manor every nught. I felt every pain, every scream, every tear, every cackle. I'm not sure how I'm still sane.

"Your screams were worse because I had to watch. All I could think was how much I hoped you wouldn't lose your brillance as she tore into your mind. if you had, Voldemort would have killed Harry by now."

I looked up at Draco and offered a small smike before nuzzling back into his chest.

"How are we ever going to forget the War, Draco?"

He lifted my chin with a smile.


He began kissing me passionately and with that, the healing and rebuilding began.

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