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     RAKING HER FINGERS through her hair, Mercedes stood before the mirror and stared at her reflection.

     Something nagged at the back of her mind, making her question what could be wrong with her to cause people to cheat.

     Was she not pretty enough?
          Was she not good in bed?
               What did she do wr-?

     No. Jake said she hadn't done anything wrong, and she needed to remember that.

     Shaking her head, Mercedes had to remember that Jake was right.

     What Li- Cedes felt her skin crawl and her heart clench at the thought of the name. She had to take in a steady breath to remind herself that nothing was wrong on her end.

     Licking her lips, Mercedes straightened the dress as it clung to her skin. There was a party in La Push, and it was time to show off what that cheater lost.

     Turning, Mercedes thought it over. Jake had said he couldn't come because of it being too far out if town, but there was always the chance she might run into a certain Lahote.

     And with that thought in mind, Mercedes hurried her sexy ass out the door and got into her father's four door pickup truck, she borrowing it for the week.


     The drive to the area didn't take long, for Cedes tended to have a led foot.

     The party had already been in full swing when she put the truck in park, she then sliding out and fixing the dress. It clung to her body in all of the right ways as she walked past multitudes of people, they all stopping to watch her walk into the house.

     Walking in, Mercedes felt her natural smirk plaster itself over her features, it being a defense against questioning glances.

     The music was pounding as her heels clicked against the floor, she walking into the kitchen intent for a drink.

     She felt her heart quicken at the sight of Lilith Black leaning against the counter, flirting with some man she didn't know. Her eyes, though, widened at the sight of Mercedes standing in the door frame.

     "Cedes, hi.." she spoke softly, afraid she might scare the girl off. However, Mercedes didn't even look her way as she strolled over to the counter where the drinks sat.

     "Mercedes, please. Can't you talk to me?" Lily leaned against the counter, getting in the way of the red cups. Sighing, Cedes knew she would have to interact with the cheater to get to the cups.

     "Will you move?"

     Three words held so much venom, it almost took Lilith off guard. The only time she had heard such distaste was towards her brother. And yet, here she was, spewing that venom towards her.

     "Look Cedes, can we talk? Please?"

     "I don't think she wants to talk to ya," a deep rumbling voice came, causing the two girls to look up, seeing Paul standing there with his own little smirk.

     Lilith felt her hope of fixing things diminish while Mercedes simply gritted her teeth.

     "Paul, this has nothing to do with you," Lily tried to snarl, only to be cut off by her ex.

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