Costume (Part I)

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Costume Making:

Before you can make a costume, find out the estimated cost and have a budget range. This can help you envision your project.

If you're gonna buy a costume, go ahead, but for me, I think it's better to make your own costume for practice.


First up: Print your character

You need reference materials for your work. Gather as many as you can. The more your research, the more accurate your cosplay's gonna be.


Second: Make a list

Making a list of materials can help you
》organize your project
》can help you not miss out on any details.
》helps you estimate your budget range


Third: Find out the exact fabric

Finding the right fabric is hard. When you watch the show/anime/movie, take note of the movements of the fabric. Is it:
And ETC.

Based on what you have noticed, compare the features you have taken down with a kind of fabric (I suggest you ask a professional)

Like for example:
Characteristic of fabric:

Nearest kind of fabric?


Fourth: Color Scheme

Find out the color nearest to the costume color by printing an example of the costume (if possible) or if not, print the costume and compare different colors of fabric until you find the color nearest to the costume.

I suggest you go to a fabric store for more range of colors and don't be afraid to ask help from a professional.

Tip: Don't buy immediately, check other stores and if you find the exact same fabric, compare the price. That way, it'll help you save money.
Or if you don't want to waste your energy, ask someone on which store offers a lower price range.

Word of Advice:
Asking questions can save you the trouble


Fifth: Making of the costume

If you guys are like me, who sucks at sewing, I suggest you pay a professional sew the clothes for you

What to do when you let the professional do it for you:

》Bring a list on every clothing that could be found in the costume. List it down Layer by Layer.
》Never ever forget the refference materials
》Make sure to bring the exact amount of fabric
》Explain the costume you have envisioned it would be, so that he/she could have an idea, other than having an idea from only the refference
》If you have problems with the measurements and other stuff, don't be afraid to tell, you don't wanna regret anything on the day of the convention

If you are good at sewing, then good for you! XD

(I don't have good tips about sewing so sorry >.<)

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