Chapter 1

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"Ninety gold coins, going once, how about you young wise man, this angel will do great at your palace for any of your needs, going twice, are you sure you won't rise your bidding? SOLD! Curly angel sold to the new master, congratulations!"

The loud voice from slave merchants mentioning the price, fast, tickling the potential buyers' ears and pushing them to raise the bidding so they could bring the angels, or the horses, home, with the price they feel worth.

'Angel' was a term, meant for the female slaves, sold and auctioned for single purpose of serving and satisfying their owners however their owners want. Meanwhile 'horses' were meant for male slaves, bought for rough works with amount of daily recess close to none.

The fat turban man then handed the short, curly haired young girl in her olive skin, stained with faint scars and reddish colour on some spots where bones protruding beneath her skin, from the scorching sun heat, to the man who won the bid. As the exchange, the winning bidder gave him a leather pouch filled with coins.

"Next, is a real angel you can take home to be your forever servant," he pulled out his last item from behind the shabby drapery where he hid his items, for essences of surprise, and he could see most of the bidders gasped excitedly to see his golden egg for the day.

A teenage girl with the same clothes with the previous angel, but she has her skin as pale as white marble with reddish rose tints from the sunburn, her waist-length hair in light gold which looks almost platinum colour under the harsh sun beam, and her eyes in the colour of the water of the oasis--bright marine blue with hints of golden spots scattered all over the blue part like hidden treasure chests, resisted when the merchant pulled her chains and forced her to ascend onto the disheveled wooden platform. A piece of clothes could be found around her mouth, unlike previous slaves the merchant had sold, leaving everyone except the merchant wondering why.

Before the fat turban man announced her starting price, one of the bidders already shouted his offer for two hundreds of gold coins. The merchant laughed and soon started the bidding of fifty gold coins fold, yet in no time the bidding price already reached six hundred gold coins.

"Nobody else?" his voice beamed loud, then with a wide grin he continued. "for your information, this angel, is a virgin, rarely found! WHO ELSE?"

Then a man in his fifties, dressed like a noble and adorned with gold bangles and necklaces like how all functionaries from a palace would look like, stepped out and offered a thousand and five hundred gold coins. His offer made all of the bidders backed away with their eyes widened and heads shaking from the incapability of catching up with the bidding. Three folds of current bidding was not something that will easily be beaten.

The merchant beamed a wide grin as he heard the offer, and there were no more shouts of bidding when the turban man counted to two, so without a second thought, he clapped his hand and shouted loud. "white angel, sold to the nobleman here," he shook the nobleman's hand and received the similar leather pouch but only greater in weight in exchange. Just before the nobleman went away, he gave him a small warning. "beware of the angel, she bites."

The nobleman was a member of one of the small sultanates in the Middle East, buying the slave to be presented to the biggest sultanate as a gift for the young Prince who was soon to be crowned sultan as the current sultan was growing old and soon to retire, giving his authorities to his one and only son from his beloved queen.

Soon as he obtained the golden egg, he brought her to his house. He told one of his underlings to tell the sultanate he would come by tomorrow to bring the Shahzade a present he would love.

Eagerly, though it was almost night, he ordered his servants to bathe and prepare the angel, he wanted to see how his gift would look like after being polished, and whether it would please the eyes of a prince or not.

His servants made the angel wore sheer clothes, laces, and beads all over her body as accessories to beautify her. The golden and silver chains were now adorning her slender figure, circling around her head and wrists. Her ankles were given brass bangles with bells, and the same brass bangles were encircling her arms, adding more gleams to her shine.

"Perfect," he muttered to himself, satisfied to his choice as he adored her. "Shahzade will love this gift."

Just right when he was looking at her jewel-like blue eyes, the girl glared at him and snapped.

"Keep your eyes off me, Wrinkly."

The nobleman widened his eyes, along with the other's surprised gasp, and out of reflex he slapped the woman right across her face, leaving a red bleeding scratch from his ring grazing her skin.

"Watch your mouth, wench," he glared back at her unwavering eyes, his face were red from holding back hurting more of his gift for the Prince. "I bought you for 1,500 gold coins, so you better shut your mouth and obey me."

The girl clenched her jaw, and said through gritted teeth. "You can buy my body, but you can never buy my pride."

He then slapped her once again, shoving her down to her knees. "You have no pride the second you stood on that podium, bitch. Now you better go and obey your new master by tomorrow morning."

The nobleman ordered his servants to gag her mouth once again, finally understood why the merchant said she 'bites', and put the strains around her limbs once again before taking her to the storage for the rest of the night. And she would be presented before the sultan and the shahzade by the morrow's high noon, along with rolls of expensive clothes and bowls of finest tropical fruits. The angels sold on the markets were never considered a human being, but only a luxurious item, sold and bought just to please and fulfill the owner's ego and desire.  

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♢Author's note♢
So--hello, peeps *waves*. This is Koi, a person who never planned to write a story but ended up in WattPad and writing something *insert awkward laugh here*. 

Actually, this story is an AU (alternate universe) from my OTP (one-true pairing) that had been talked for months and still cannot move on from, so I guess it's (kinda) best to write it down here since it won't be really long and it will be some kind of good escape from drawing, and hopefully brushing my English writing as well (I'm a non-English speaker). 

I hope you're enjoying this as well as I do, and feed-backs (on my grammar or writings or whatever) are very, very welcomed :)

♢ Credits ♢  
Shahzade (Crown Prince) Sulaiman is the AU version of Colonel Allegra Oakwood from "Shadows Under the Sun" by Schreidner (go follow her in WattPad, her writings are awesome, and SUtS is really something worth reading!). And thanks to her helps as well the writing is going quite smoothly.

Update schedule hasn't been set yet, but I'll be setting it for weekly updates. Hoping to see you guys every week from now on! Thank you for your support and see you on next chapter! :) 

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