Chapter Two

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            "Mom the portal is broken." Sebastian announced as Amanda set down his plate on the kitchen table in front of him.

Their mother looked at him from the stove for a moment before looking at Amanda.

"You let him go into the woods?" she asked in a sharp tone.

Amanda shook her head no, "He ran out the door before I could stop him and headed to that tree again."

"I told you not to let him go into the woods anymore. Why don't you listen to me?"

Amanda tried not to roll her eyes at her mother as she sat down at the table with her plate of food, "I heard you mom, sorry- and he heard you too." Her eyes flashed across the table at her younger brother who was stuffing his face with his food.

"You don't understand he can't go into the woods Amanda." she said again, pushing her fork into a piece of chicken on her plate.

"I don't understand why not, he was playing in the woods before and you had no problem with it."

"It's because the Demon King and Pu are evil and stealing children, you know this Amanda." Sebastian cut in as he stuffed his mouth with mashed potatoes.

She did roll her eyes at her younger brother before looking over at her mother who was now looking down at her plate. Her brown eyes seemed far away as she stabbed another piece of chicken with her fork, "Sebastian stay away from the woods." she spoke sternly, not once looking up from her plate as she put the piece of chicken into her mouth and began to chew slowly.

"I told you mom-" he paused, swallowing his mashed potatoes so he could continue, "-Rex and Taran will help me fight off the Demon King and his stupid Pu."

"Watch your mouth, don't call people stupid it's not nice Sebastian." Amanda said sternly.

"I don't care what you think Sebastian, just don't go into the woods please." their mother said again.

The rest of dinner was eaten in silence. When dinner was finished and the dishes clean, Amanda helped Sebastian get ready for bed like she had been doing since he was a year old. She sat outside the door of the bathroom, reading a book about herbs as Sebastian took a bath.

"You're still there right Mandy?" Sebastian's voice echoed off of the tiled walls in the tub as he called for his sister.

"The same spot I was when you asked me five minutes ago Sebastian- are you almost done?" she called back into the bathroom.


"Don't forget to wash behind your ears." She called again into the bathroom.

"You're starting to sound like Taran when he waits outside the door for me too." Sebastian called back.

Amanda frowned closing her book and leaning forward in her chair, she had heard a lot of Sebastian's imaginary friends Rex and Taran, especially Taran.

"Taran sits outside of the bathroom door when you take a bath too?"

"Yep, he does a lot of stuff that you and I do together too. I think you'd like Taran, mom says he's handsome, just your kind of guy."

Amanda could hear the water beginning to drain as Sebastian unplugged the tub and got out to dry himself off.

"Really?" her voice sounded surprised even to her own ears.

The door opened and Sebastian stood in his pajamas, "No, mom does say he's handsome, but she says you would hate Taran."

"And why would I hate Taran?" Amanda asked, standing up from her chair and moving it out of the hall.

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