Chapter Twenty

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2nd Demon Hunters Headquarters: Abandoned School House~ Demon City

After leaving Sebastian to his room to get cleaned up, Taran made his way to the room he knew Thomas would be in. He didn't knock, just opened the door and slammed it shut behind him. Thomas quickly jumped out of his seat, his eyes turning from brown back to blue at the sight of Taran.

"Quite an interesting entrance Taran, I take it you're a little mad at me about something, come in and sit down." He motioned to a chair across from the desk he had been sitting at.

Taran stood at the door and crossed his arms over his chest, "I'd rather not sit."

Thomas shrugged his shoulders and sat back down in his chair, "Fine, what is it? I'm busy."

"Too busy to save the only hope we have for destroying the Demon King and the Portal?" Taran's voice was tense as he spoke.

Thomas looked up at Taran, "We had to give her to him so we could infiltrate- go in from the inside."

"He's going to change her into her Demon Form! Then what Thomas? We'll be destroyed!"

"I know what he's going to do to her. We'll stop him before he does that." Thomas looked back down at the papers on his desk and continued reading.

"What is he giving you?" Taran asked, approaching the desk.

Thomas shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest, "I don't understand what you're asking me."

"He must have traded you something- like protection from the Demons when they find us here in Demon City? Or maybe a seat on his council? Somewhere in the Human World to rule?"

Thomas looked up at Taran and his eyes flashed brown for a mere second, "I have traded nothing with the Demon King,"

"Except the only weapon we had against him!" Taran exclaimed slamming his hand on the desk.

Thomas stood from his desk and lifted his arm, pointing to the door, "Get out of my office and get out of this Headquarters. You're out of the Demon Hunters." His voice was calm, but his eyes a deep brown now.

Taran looked stunned at first then narrowed his eyes, "Fine." He turned from Thomas and walked out of the office, slamming the door behind him as he headed to the main entrance of the Headquarters.

Rex met him at the ladder that led up into the old school house, "Don't leave Taran, Thomas is just a little upset."

"I have to save her Rex; she's our only hope at saving our world and the Human World. Either you're with me or you're with Thomas, who is the obvious trader." Taran began to climb up the ladder and was on the main floor of the school house in a few seconds.

Before he could reach the door to walk out into the streets Rex was behind him, grabbing his shoulder to stop him, "I'm going with you."

Taran nodded, "Thanks."

Demon City Castle~ Demon City

Winter felt completely different. Looking in the mirror she looked the same besides her eyes, but her body felt alive; pulsing full of energy. The Demon King stood behind her in the mirror with a smile on his face.

"You are a great addition to my army," He whispered into her ear and she watched as her lips curved into a smile. "You will lead them to victory."

Winter turned from her image in the mirror and looked at the Demon King in his eyes, just as black as hers. "I think we should start with the Demon Hunters."

The King smiled at her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders as they headed out of the room, "I'll show you something very important to us, and the future of the world."

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