Chapter Twenty Three

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Great War Hall: War Lord Castle~ War Lord Territory

The War Lords blue eyes were fixed on the low burning fire to his right as Autumn, Rex, and Oleander sat in chairs a little further from his throne in front of him.

"Demon possession? You're positive?"

Autumn sat forward in her chair her eyes weary as she said, "Yes, I'm sure that he's already given the Demon King the exact locations of all the Demon Hunters and where they are hiding."

They had been traveling all night, moving as fast as they could on foot without taking the Cross Roads, knowing that they would have been caught at the Tolls. The War Lord had already been asleep when they had come, and now after giving him the break down of what was going on, they crossed their fingers in hopes that the War Lord would believe them.

"If this is all true then my people aren't safe at all are they?"

Rex looked down at Oleander before looking back up at the War Lord, "We believe that the Demon King will try to take over Portal Lake with brute force. His promise of any kind of protection from this war was a lie."

There was a loud uproar that came from outside the Great War Hall and the War Lord fixed his attention to the big doors that had been closed prior to them entering. With a flash there was a burst of flame that opened the door and Taran burst inside the room breathing heavily, a trail of injured soldiers behind him.

"Taran!" Autumn cried out, standing from her seat.

The War Lord stood from his throne and narrowed his eyes, "What is the meaning of this?"

"I was informed several hours ago that the Demon Army marches here in four days." Taran let out in one heavy breath.

The War Lord looked from Taran back to Rex and Autumn, before snapping his fingers. A woman appeared from behind the throne, even though a half foot shorter than the War Lord and the soldiers she was still extremely tall. They whispered amongst themselves before she disappeared just as quickly as she had appeared. He then turned his attention back to all four of them.

"My servants are getting your rooms ready for this evening, in the morning we will be prepared for a War."

Taran moved towards the throne, "No we can't fight, or we'll all be killed."

"Then how do you suppose we stop and destroy the Demon King? Just sit back and let him take over? Beg for mercy?" The War Lords tone was increasing as he spoke.

"No, Winter is leading the army here,"

Autumn gasped loudly and Rex shook his head, "She agreed to the war? She accepted the armor?"

"She told me that we need to all stay out of it, and she'll destroy him herself."

"And I'm to believe this half Demon?" The War Lord curled his lip as moved from his throne and to a side door in the Great War Hall, "We prepare for war in the morning, I suggest you get some sleep."

Main Hall~ Demon City Castle

With the moons still in the sky, the sun began to rise slowly on the horizon of the ocean of Demon City. Winter stood, clad in her black armor, black sword on her side and her Dagger hidden underneath the jacket. Her hair was tied back tightly behind her head and a braid trailed down her back as she looked across the Main Hall of the Demon City Castle. All the Demons looked back at her, their black eyes staring right into her soul, ready to take any order she called out.

The Demon King sat on his throne with a satisfied smile on his face. "Tell them my dear; they wait on your every word." His voice was like a whisper in the back of her head, a voice she was never going to be able to forget.

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