Breakfast With A Bad Boy Part 2

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When I met Castiels eyes I couldn't help but lose my breath. He was wearing dark jeans,a blue shirt and white converse hytops. His sandy blonde hair was swept out of his face and he looked...I'm not going to be subtle...he looked HOT AS FUCK!!!
Natalie drug me out of my revere. I was thankful for her doing that. Castiel was blushing and for a minute he stuttered his words. "G-good morning,A-annalise and Natalie. Did you two sleep well?"

We both nodded.
"Natalie you should go get ready for breakfast. Since you are the Princesses trainor you musr attend ALL royal meetings(dinners,breakfasts,council,etc)." She bowed and scurried out of the room.
Castiel approached me and smiled." Well, you ready?" "Yes. Uh. Am I going to be called Princess much this morning?" He nodded." Yes,just don't let it get to you. Also, if my brother gets..intimidtating just tell me." "Okay. Thank you for everything." "Your welcome."

We walked to the dining hall talking and laughing the entire time. I was starting to get used to all of this. I mean, IM A FRIGGIN' PRINCESS.
I memorized some of the castle twists and turns. Before we entered the enormous room, Castiel told the guard at the door to anounce us.

I flinched at the sound of the deep voice that came out of the guard.
" I present Prince Castiel of Ragewood and Reigning Princess Ashlyn of the Elemental Dimension!"

With that, the door swung open revealing a table that was covered in every breakfast food imaginable! And at the table sat King Mason,Rham,Liam....and....

That fucking evil knight!!! How?

How is he here?

I almost passed out when I looked onto his eyes. They're almost completely black yet they have so much emotion.

My head began to swirl....

The room became dizzy....

The world became black...

I fell...but someone caught me... Castiel? I don't know but I was grateful for their existence at the moment.

∆∆∆∆∆About 2 hours later∆∆∆∆∆∆

I woke up in what I assumed was the castle infirmary. Castiel and Natalie were sitting in chairs beside my bed. The physician was patting my head with a warm washcloth.
I sat up, took a deep breath and weakly said," I have to tell you something important."

Castiel looked up and came to stand beside my bed.


He came closer to me.

"Come closer."

He did as I said. He was close enough that I could see he had a splash of freckles across his nose.

I sat up a tiny bit. I was close enough that if I leaned in another 2 inches, I could kiss him.

" I- need-"
He anxiously asked," what do you need?"

He was holding his breath and he let it out and started laughing. He sent Natalie to go get me something.

"What happened to me? I know I walked in and it felt like someone sucked the world from my vision. But what the actually hell happened in the room?"

Castiel was hesitant on replying, but he let out a long sigh and let it all out," It was Sam. He tried to influence you. But he failed. You have strong magic Annalise. He couldn't do anything."

"Well he made me pass out. Thats something ya dumb fuck."

He laughed at my attitude.

"No actually that was you. Yours and Sam's magic canceled out each other resulting in your unconsciousness."

"Ya know your kinda cute when you explain stuff."

He blushed. Hey! At least I know I can get a reaction out him. What am I saying! I have a boy at home. But he would never go for me.

I looked at the clock above the chairs and it was 9 o' clock!

"I have to go! Bubbas going to wonder where the hell I am. When can I leave?"

" I don't know. I'll go ask."
He got up and went to the office and they started having a short conversation.
Castiel came back shortly and said now, if I could walk.
I stood up and faltered a bit but steadied myself. I started walking to the exit door.

"Let's go get the horse because I miss my best friend."

"Who is your friend?"

" I'll tell you another day. I just want to go home and relax."

"Alright. You have to keep Natalie with you. She's your guardian. Don't send her away. She is to stay by your side. Do you understand? I don't want you to get hurt."

We walk to the stables and Castiel saddles up his horse and then he disappears in another box stall and comes out with a beautiful bay horse trailing behind him on a walker.

"Do you ride bareback or with full tack?"

"Bareback. I can't stand saddles."

He put a bridle on her and got a step stool beside ber. He gestured for me to mount the mare and I did so gracefully. We started walking out to the trails when Natalie rides up on her palomino staillion.

"Hey Castiel! Wanna race? "

"You bet! Last one to get to the oak tree has to clean the stalls. Wanna race Annalise?"

I smiled and adjusted myself on the horse.
"Hell yes!"
With that,the three of us were galloping through the forest.
'Hello. So you're my master?'
What was that?
'That was me. Can't you hear?'
W-who are you?
'Well Princess, you're the one who's upon my back.'
Y-your the horse!?!?! How are you talking to me?
'Uh, probably because you're an Earth elemental. You are an Earth elemental right?'
'So you are the Princess. I have waited a long time to meet you. I will serve you for the rest of your life. I will follow into battle and even just on trail rides. I am Nyxie.Nyx for short. But you may make up any nickname for me.'
It's nice to meet you Nyxie. I am Annalise. But apparently my real name is Ashlyn. Your name means night! That is so cool!
We lost majorly. I had to clean the stalls next time I came....Next time. It seems like a dream still..But Bubba, I can't wait to see him and tell him all of this.
Nyxie and I caught up to the others.
It turns out I can mind link to the other horses. I found out that Natalie's horse is named Sol.
Midnight Soldier.
Well,that was self explanatory.
Well,don't kill me..i know that it has been forever since I have last updates but I did had finals and I've been writing The Greeks Daughter. I will get that up as soon as it can..not that some of you care about that book. I am working at my towns local library this summer on Tuesdays and Thursdays so my update days will change a lil bit..I'll get those days to you in the next authors note.

Also, what do you want to happen next? Yall don't interact with me alot, and I want that to change.
Email things about yourselves. Because unlike other authors 😒 I want to know my readers 😄


I will see you in the next chap. Maybe even my inbox. Who knows.

Goodbye, my Elementals 🌱🌊💨🌞🔥(that's yall name. Email me what element you want. There is earth,water,air,fire,light)

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