I'm really a princess?

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Castiel led me through the library. We passed several rows of tall bookshelves. We went all the way to the back where we stopped at another door. This one had a crown carved into it. Castiel knocked on the door and we walked in and I saw a middle aged man sitting at a desk wearing a suit and thick-rimmed glasses. He looked up as we neared."Ah Castiel your home. I have missed you so." He looks towards me and says, " And you've brought a girl. Who is she?"
Castiel cleared his throat and said proudly," She is the Lost Princess. And I have brought her here so you can explain everything. Her Kingdom,Magic,and family." The word family got me. I had a family! But how? Mom died. And Emily and I never met our father.

"Oh. Well then, young princess I am King Mason of the Ragewood Kingdom,my sons Sam and Castiel are the Princes of my Kingdom and you are Reigning Princess Ashlyn of the Elemental Dimension. Your mother and Father are Queen Aria and King Zander of the Elemental Dimension. You have an older brother Aaron who is the General of the Military. Your mother is a fire elemental. Your father is an Earth elemental. Your brother is a water elemental. And you,you have something special. You have a very rare gift princess. You contain all 6 elements. Fire,air,water,earth,light,metal.
I was shocked at what I was hearing. But what about the dreams? I know that this is completely illogical but, I have to believe them.
"Does all of this have to do with my dreams?" Castiel and his father looked to each other and back to me. "What dreams?" "Like I saw Castiel in the first one. Then in another one there was a dark Knight with a black stallion and the man gave me a warning. He said," Oh you are going to be fun. We will meet in time young majesty. You are a strong one, as much as I hate to admit it. Do not be frightened yet, your Majesty. I have simply come to warn you of your destiny. You will fall. At the moment Terror is the only thing that you have to be scared of."I added,"Then he tried to catch me and I ran away and tripped and then green...uh..magic shot towards him and made him cringe in pain then I woke up." The men look to each other and then King Mason says,"Castiel please escort and Annalise to her room. My dear, you must stay here for the time being. It is not safe to leave now. But you may leave after breakfast. Castiel will bring you home."Castiel gestured me out of his father's office and back into the library. We passed several rows of tall bookshelves. " You could pick out a few books if you want. I'm sure father wouldn't mind." I smiled at him and politely declined. We proceeded to walk out into the labrinth of hallways. I was exhausted from lack of sleep and from having to take in so much information. We walked through a few hallways and up three flights of stairs. I was about to fall about to fall over when Castiel quietly says," I can carry if you need me to." "No it's okay. I can walk." He responded in an almost convincing tone," You sure? It's a lot of walking." I nodded. Soon after that, we arrived at a dark oak door with roses carved into it. Castiel opened the door and we walked in. When you walk in the first thing you see is a queen sized bed with a white and black quilt it had those four poles with the curtains hanging on it as well. I looked around more and it also had a desk with stationary sets and journals neatly stacked on top. There was a large mahogany wardrobe in a corner that contained god knows what. Off to the side was a door which I guessed was the bathroom. On each side of the bed were two french windows that were about seven feet tall. Castiel ushered me inside and showed me around. He showed me the bathroom which was enormous. It had a elegant theme to it. It had grey granite counter tops,black tile floors, and had red accents all over. Castiel cleared his throat and said, " So this is your room. There are clothes in the wardrobe that my cousin left behind. You two look about the same size. I have to go but I will be here in the morning around 7:30 to escort you to breakfast,which starts at 8:00. Dress up because you are the guest of honor. There is makeup and other girl things in the nightstand beside the bed. I will see you tomorrow. Goodnight Annalise. Sleep well." He walked out of the room and closes the door behind him.
I finally updated😄!!!! After like a million years 😒 I am updating again today to make up for lost time(short chapter). I'm also making specific days when I am updating.. those will be Wednesday and Saturday. And I will start that this Saturday. Until later.... Vote! Comment!

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