Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

We left for the airport in the morning, we had argued about if we should bring the girl but she made it pretty clear that she would be coming with us. Victor had argued strongly against it, saying that Nate had never wanted this life for his daughter. She'd said that she was old enough to make her own choices and that she would be coming along to rescue her family. We'd arrived at the HNL by 10:05, our flight to Paris was at 12. We had a while, because of my status we were taking a private jet. Victor had offered his plane, but we were flying long distance and I would rather not sit on cold hard benches for twelve hours. Cassie had never been outside of Hawaii, I doubt she had ever been in the airport. I swept my auburn hair back out of my face and into a tight bun, my boots clicking on the floor of the airport. We were waiting at the terminal I was promptly ignoring Sam, I did not want to hear his voice. Cassie was sitting in-between us, kicking her short legs. "How old are you." I asked her, she glanced up at me in surprise. "I'm 16." I raised an eyebrow, she looked much younger then that. Victor stood. "I'm going to go get a bite to eat- Cas you stay here and make sure those two don't kill each other." He patted the childs head.

Cassie looked at me for a long second. "I heard about what happened." She said. "You two seemed like you where a very good match." She spoke with wisdom beyond her age, but I didn't want to hear it. How it could have been. I didn't want to think about it, I didn't want to think about how happy we probably would have been. Living in Paris, together. A pair of Thieves, stealing from those who had to much. Maybe even children, twins. A boy and a Girl- I shut the thought out. It was to late to wish, I was pushing fifty now. I couldn't have children even if I wanted to. I wondered if Sam ever thought the same thing. Probably not, since he was the one who pushed me off my balcony and tried to murder me. He hadn't spoken to me since I'd said that he was fair game. He knew I had not interest in talking to him, so he didn't try.

I looked down at the girl. "What is your father like?" I asked, she glanced up at me brown eyes sparking with sadness. "My dad is strong, he told me stories of his life before- he and mom found lost cites and stopped pirates. They even found Averyies treasure." She said. I tipped my head. "They found the treasure?" she nodded. "Well, really it was uncle Sam who found it." She gestured to her uncle sitting on her right with his arms crossed over his chest and eyes glaring into the runway. "Of course." I snorted in sarcasm. I'd never really cared about the money, It was about the adventure for me. The thrill- but I had dedicated my life to stopping people like Sam and Sullivan- but sometimes the rules had to be broken. Like thirty years ago, how I had broken the rules to help Sam- ended up almost getting me killed. I was sure this would probably end up the same, but. I could take him down with me this time. Time ticked on closer to our flight, Cassandra flipped through photos of her family on her phone. Showing me her father and mother. Nathan looked somewhat like Sam, but Nate had bright blue eyes instead of hazel. His wife, Elena- I was told- was very pretty, with long blonde hair and brown eyes. I could see the resemblance in their child.

I stood as we prepared to board the plane, walking towards the windows. I looked out at the jet plane, luxurious and large. Something moved behind the wing, my eyes followed the shadow slinking around below the car. It was a man, dressed in black he was holding something.... Something... he stuck it to the bottom of the plane and ran, then it hit me. "MOVE" I screamed, grabbing the girl and diving across the sitting area as a huge explosion went off behind me. Shattered glass and blood covered the ground. "Holy shit." Sam said. "Someone is trying to kill us." I whispered. "We need to leave. Now." I grabbed the girls wrist and began to sprint down the hallway. Sam and Victor following us. I skidded out of the airport and ran towards a car, I didn't care whos car it was- I wasn't about to die. I shoved the girl into the passenger seat, and hot wired the car quickly. Sam and Victor jumped in behind her. I revved the engine and raced away from the airport. "Shit" Victor said gripping the sides of the car. Once we where an acceptable distance from the airport I pulled over. Cassandra sat in the seat beside me, hazel eyes wide with fear and confusion. "Someone is after us." I said. "They probably saw us enter the airport." I said. Getting out of the car. "Flying is not an option. We are going to need to find a boat." I said.

"Jesus" Sam muttered. "A couple of old geezers, a sixteen year old and a French police woman. Quite the line up." Victor chuckled, stepping out into the sand as we walked down the sand spit towards the beach. "This is going to be one hell of a ride." the old man said, glancing down at the golden haired girl. "I can handle it, I'm a Drake after all." 

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