Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

We arrived at San Francisco by 4pm Friday night, three days at sea. Thankfully we had a lot of rations, but it had been painful to do nothing but stare at each other for seventy two hours. We left the thing on the beach, climbing out and walking up into the city. We called a cab and headed to the airport. Once there, I got four tickets to paris. It was not as nice as having a private jet, but we would live. We all needed a good shower and sleep, I offered to buy Cassandra new clothes- the ones she was wearing where starting to smell. She happily accepted, once we had changed and cleaned ourselves up a tad we felt a little better. Our flight was four hours away, so we had time to kill.

I picked up one of the magazines, reading about the attack in Hawaii. They had amped up security- but because I was a French police officer they had allowed me and only me to carry a single fire arm. Hours passed and we boarded our flight, finally sitting down in comfy first class seats was wonderful. Cassandra sat next to me, Victor and Sam across the way from us. I watched the people as they got on, one man in particular sparked my interests. He was dark skinned and tall. Wearing all black. I glared at him as he vanished into the next cabin.

The flight began, smooth. It would be about ten hours before we arrived. Cassandra preoccupied herself by watching movies on the screen planted on the back of the seat in front of her. I tried to get some sleep. Once we got to Paris I doubt we would be there long, they obviously knew we were coming. Someone was setting a very elaborate trap. About four hours into the flight, Cassie poked my shoulder. "Alaya?" she asked. I looked at her, raising a eyebrow. "Those mercenary's said Get the Girl." She said. "Do you think they where targeting me?" I sat up slightly looking at the child. "It is more than likely, yes. They have youre parents, I think they are Targeting Drakes. So you and your uncle would be prime targets." I said. "We are under my jurisdiction in Paris, it will be safer." I lied. In Paris there where many more big people with big agendas. If whoever was after us was smart they would have gotten help, many French millionaires had a bone to pick with me. I'd busted quite a few of them over the years. Cassie fell silent, she seemed to like my answer. A few more hours passed, and we began our descent into Paris.

As I was buckling my seatbelt I heard a loud noise, then people screaming. I jumped up and raced towards the cacophony- I saw the man standing above a body of an old man. He turned towards me and began to fire. I ran at him, digging my heeled boot into his stomach sending him down then firing a couple shots into his head. People screamed and cried around me. The airline staff raced over to me. We spoke quick French to each other. I began to search the man, I found his cellphone and a wallet. I flipped through it, there was a text to an unsaved number. "I will kill the old man, but I want 50k in return." The text said. I flipped the body of the old man. It wasn't Sullivan but he looked similar. That fool had killed the wrong person. This was bad, it meant we were more wanted then I had originally thought. The staff moved the bodies from the hallway. I wish I hadn't shot him in the face, perhaps then we could have questioned him. I pocketed the phone and wallet, when we landed I would call that number.

When we landed the police where there, a couple of my colleagues greeted me. They had my car waiting. I thanked them and ushered the three into my White car. We left the airport and began to drive towards my house. "Victor, dial that number." I said handing him the phone with the unsaved number. He nodded and punched in the number. It began to ring as the car zipped through the French countryside. After a few minutes it was picked up. "Figures you would get smart." The voice was robotic and modified. "Who are you and what did you do with Nathan." Sam demanded. "Oh, lovely to hear your squawking voice Sam." The voice laughed. "Just shut up and tell us who you are and stop hiding you coward." I snarled into the phone. "Victor, you bad boy- you brought a god fairing police woman into your little mess? I am ashamed." Sam snatched the phone. "If you hurt Nathan or Elena god help you-" he hissed. "Oh, I would never hurt them. Atleast not until you get here" the voice teased. "Now I'm not about to make it easy for you- but we are waiting for you." The voices laugh increased, becoming a manic evil cackle. "If you don't belive me, here you go." There was the sound of moving then we could hear fainting struggling. "Say hi to your family Nathan." The voice said. A meek voice replied it was heavily muffled but I could just make out "Please- help-" then there was the sound of a punch.

The voice returned. "See, hes alive- barely." The voice cackled again. "You better hurry up, I don't like waiting.... Oh- and, have a present." The call was cut off and suddenly the phone started beeping. "Throw it out the window!" I screamed grabbing it from sam and tossing it out my window and over the steep Cliffside we where driving along. The phone exploded a couple feet from the car. "Jesus fucking Christ." Sulivian said, gripping the sides of the seat as the car swerved slightly. I steadied the car out and we all could breath. Cassie had been very quiet in the back, I think she was still in shock. Sam patted her head. "It'll be alright kid, we will find them and kill the bastard who did this to them." We all sat in silence the cars engine was the only noise along the quiet French backroad. We soon pulled into my houses driveway, it was just outside of Paris. A large manor with a gated driveway and a fountain in the middle of the circular driveway. I pulled the car up to the door and stepped out into the evening air. I unlocked the door, everything was where I left it. Just inside the front door was the foyer, everything was white marble. Two sets of stairs stretched along the walls to the upstairs bedrooms. A white rug sat under a huge golden chandler, you could walk through the foyer and to the rest of the house. The kitchen was just ahead, the living room on the right and my office on the left. Victor whistled as he entered the house. "Sometimes I forgot that you come from a rich family." He said. I removed my jacket putting it up on a coat hanger to the left of the door. "Remove your shoes." I demanded. "charlotte doesn't need any more work." I said to them.

"How did you afford this." Cassandra asked. "I had a husband remember? When he died I sold his business and all of his things." I said. I would never admit it, but I had killed him- I had never loved Vincent and after Sam pushed me out a fifty story building I had nowhere to go. My father subjected his Rage to me and I was forced to marry Manuel. I was married to him for two years, he forgave me for 'attacking him' saying it was the influence of the filthy Americans, last year while he was getting ready to fly to Madagascar to finally track down Averies treasure I planted a mine on his jet- I blew him and all his rich little friends back to hell. Frankly I didn't care, they had earned it. "The bedrooms are upstairs, make yourselves at home." I said- heading towards the kitchen to grab a bite to eat.

I was nibbling on some left overs when Victor approached me. "What are your plans." He asked, as I offered him a shot of whisky. "I'm going to help you, because I'm invested now. Already dumped Ten grand on this thing might as well see it through." I muttered. "Yes, but it is a life threatening operation. You don't need to put your life on the line for us, we could probably continue from here." He said. I chuckled, taking a drink of the liquor it seared my throat as it went down. "Right, I highly doubt that- you couldn't figure out the puzzle before.... I doubt that it will be the last one. You need me, and not just for my good looks." I winked at him, but the old man did not seem amused. "Your intentions with Sam, and Cassandra." He began. "You realize that if you kill Sam, Cassandra will be without an Uncle." He said. "I cant let you hurt her, she is just a child."

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