Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

My emerald eyes narrowed slightly. "I like Cassandra, she is a good kid- but what Sam did to me is unforgivable. I will have his head." I said, hovering over Victor mincingly. I was slightly shorter then him, but still as menacing. He didn't scare me, neither did Sam. I could take them both on, even if I was a woman. "Alaya, please. Think of Cassandra, she doesn't want to Loose her uncle and she is starting to warm up to you- which I don't approve of, but. She needs a strong woman in her life right now." He said. "Just, think about what I said" with that he vanished upstairs and to his room. I was left standing in the marble kitchen, glaring into the backyard. My house was sitting up on a hill, from the backyard you could see all of Paris. The Eiffel tower sitting pretty in the middle. I poured the rest of my alcohol down the sink and retreated to the safety of my bedroom.

My cat, Alistair meowed at me as I walked past him in my room. The French doors to the balcony where closed, he probably wanted out. The sun had set now, the lights from the city glittered brightly as I opened the doors. Alistair purred then raced out, vanishing into the night. I shut the doors quietly and entered the master bathroom to the left of my bed. Stripping out of my dirty clothes, I was thankful for warm water and my own room. I lived in this palace alone, it was lonely at times but I had my work to fulfill me. I had wanted children of my own when I was younger, but after being married to the scumb of the earth I realized it wouldn't happen. I was far too old now, and I doubted I would find a man that fit the bill. I could have almost anyone if I wanted them, but I was picky. I wouldn't pick the apple lowest on the tree.


Her house was incredible, huge and filled to the brim with exciting treasure. She had retreated to her room, and now I was wandering around the palace like building. My jean jacket hanging on the coat hanger at the door. Victor and Cassandra had gone to sleep, they where both very thankful for Alaya- but I was still weary of her. She wanted me dead, very dead. Every second I was around her I regretted my choice. It was a moment of weakness, a moment of stupidity. We could have been happy, but I'd ruined that by being blind with greed. I wandered around the marble house, entering a small room on the left of the main foyer. It was an office, a collection of guns sat mounted on the walls in the circular room. Panel windows behind the oak desk in the center of the room. I looked at the impressive amount of firearms lining the walls.

"I'm a contract killer you know." Her voice startled me, I jumped I surprise looking back at the auburn haired creature. She was dressed in a night gown, her flowy hair decorating her petite shoulders. "Oh, I didn't mean to snoop." I said. She walked towards the RPG that sat mounted. "I often invite my enemies over for tea and show them these, so they can see who they are messing with." She said- her eyes meeting with mine. They where cold and green. I understood the message. "Alaya, not one day goes buy where I don't regret my choice."

She approached me, standing centimeters from my body. "Then why didn't you try to come find me, make sure I was okay." She said. "I trusted you Sam, and because of that choice I ended up married to a swine of a human- he tried to hurt me." She said. "That's why I killed him and I will kill you." She swept around me stalking around me like a wolf circling its pray. "I am a wolf in the foxes clothing." She whispered before shutting the door to her office with a quiet slam. I felt trapped and hopeless here, there was nothing I could do- I couldn't run and leave Nathan to his fate, but I didn't want to die. I feared death just like every other human, but I would accept it- for my little brother.

I left the room with one last look at the fire arms, sitting menacingly in the moonlight. I returned to my room, shutting the door and sitting down on the bed and putting my hands in my head. That treasure hunt had ruined my life, and I'd walked out of it with nothing. I was a rabbit, trapped in the wolfs den. Just waiting to become its next meal.

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