Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-six

I stared, the creature before me was not rafe. It had a gas mask over its face, metal reaching from the bottom of the mask across its body. It removed its black cloak and I realized the person infront of me was a woman. She was slender, her body decorated with metal, it was enhancing her body- not replacing anything. She wore a steampunk esc dress. This was definitely Rafes design. It must have been one of his henchmen. She ran at me, her metal additions making her much faster than expected. A punch connected with my face and I was sent backwards into the ground.I was out of practice... I attempted to get up but her heeled boot came down on my face. I glanced up to see Aimi she had her phone in her hand. "Sam!" she cried, running towards me. The woman ran at her, punching Aimi squarely in the chest sending her flying backwards. The woman was now outside of the ally, in clear view of all the pedestrians. Everyone seemed to stop, looking at the strange robotic woman. I ran at her, grabbing the back of her gas mask- I attempted to rip it off her but she grabbed it and pulled it down. The back of her head was mostly shaved, on the skull in black ink the number ''7-5-0-1-4' was written.

She kicked me and I went flying into the stone wall behind me. The woman looked around at all the people who had all taken out their phones to take photos or call the police. She glanced around, jumping up the side of the building. Her enhanced body parts giving her an edge as she climbed the building- vanishing over the side. I gripped my arm, glaring up at the building. That had to be Rafes creation. That number, 7-5-0-1-4... sounded so familiar. I went to Aimi, she was laying on the ground groaning. "Are you alright?" I asked her. She sat up. "I'm fine- but why did you chase after that person!" she lectured me. "Aimi, this isnt the time- we arent safe here." I grabbed her hand and we went back to the car, collecting the dogs and heading home. I pulled my phone up and dialed Nathan. "We have a problem." my brother snorted on the other end. "Hi to you to sam."

"Its Rafe, hes back."


"Fly to new-york, bring everyone- you're not safe."


He hung up and I dialed up Sullivan, Telling him the same thing. They would both be here by tomorrow. Aimi was glaring at me, her dark hazel eyes filled with anger. "Sam, what arnt you telling me." I sighed as we pulled up to the house. "Aimi, you might want to go stay with your family for a few days." She glared, following me into the house. "Samuel Drake."

I turned on her. "Its, Samuel Morgan- actually." she stared at me. "I am an orphaned child, me and my brother were dumped in an orphanage after our mother died. We adopted the last name Drake when we found out our mother had been researching Sir. Francis Drake and his heirs, along with Henry Avery. Myself and my brother chased after Henry Averies treasure, we ended up in Panama- were I was shot and 'killed' these-" I pulled my shirt up to show her the bullet scars. "Are bullet wounds." Aimis mouth dropped open. "I had a guy named Rafe, with us- it ended up that he was a psychopath. He tired to kill myself and Nathan, I lied to my brother about how I got out of Jail, in reality it was Rafe who bailed me out- we found Averies treasure and we'd thought we killed Rafe." I took a deep breath. "We hadnt, because he was brought back by a woman I had been madly in love with- Alaya Guillory. Rafe and her kidnapped my brother and his wife, Rafe was half robot- because he lost his arm, she betrayed him he betrayed her blah blah blah. She died, hes still alive- oh and" I pulled the necklace from under my shirt. "This is the last thing I own of hers."

Aimi stared at me, she didnt know if she wanted to be angry, upset or confused. "So your a A plus liar." she began to pack her things up making angry noises as she did so. "Aimi- I'm sorry, I just thought it was better I didnt tell you all that stuff." she huffed, letting out a sigh. "I love you Samuel, but your a liar.... But... I will stay and help you, because- I love you. Even if your full of shit and possibly crazy." I smiled at her. "Thanks, Aimi- but it might better if you go to Japan." she stomped her foot. "No. I'm staying." I put my hands up. "Alright, fine. Your choice." I pulled my laptop up and began to search for New york news. There was a youtube video of the woman jumping from Aimi to other building and vanishing. The people in the video were yelling about superheroes, and scifi-robots. I shut my computer. "Shit." I sighed looking up at Aimi. She walked over to me, pulling on my necklace. "This... Alaya..."

I felt pain spread from my heart to my veins as I heard her name again. "I loved her, more than anything... she died protecting me and my family from Rafe. I wish I could have said goodbye." Aimi moved away from me. "She was very important to you." I nodded. "It was my fault she died." I blamed myself because it made it easier to accept her death, but I knew that there was nothing I could have done to save her. Aimi nodded. "I'm going.... To sleep on this." she left me sitting in the kitchen. I elected it was probably smarter to sleep on the couch then with Aimi, she was confused and angry enough already.

I fell asleep to the thought of Alaya, the person I had tried so hard to forget.


Nathan, Sullivan and the others arrived the next day, I ushered them inside and locked the door. "We saw what happened on the news. Its everywhere. They even have the government on tracking that thing down." Nathan said. "I saw it in the video, it does look like Rafes desgin." Nate said, sitting down on the couch. Cassie and her mother close behind. "I managed to grab her at one point, and she had a number combo on the back of her head. 75014. That is Averies cell number, and the address of the french catacombs- Rafe, Alaya and I went there before." I said. "Well, which do we go to." Nate asked.

I took a deep breath. "I'll go to france with you Sully, you and Elena can take Mexico." I said. Aimi stood behind me. "What about me." Nate glanced up at her. "Oh, hay Aimi..." he looked at me raising an eyebrow. He knew that I had been lying to her. "I told her the truth, she wants to help."

"Aimi you can come with me and Sully, I guess." I said. "We should probably get going." I felt something soft rubbing on my leg. Buddy sat on my foot, looking up at me his pink tongue hanging out of his mouth. "I guess we can bring him.' I patted the dog as the others began to book flights. I took a deep breath, preparing myself for the worst. I would have to face Rafe again.... Why was he alive while Alaya was dead.. I clenched my jaw, I would be sure to rectify that.

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