Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

I shook the thought away, it could have been me- but it wasn't me. I joined the others in car and we drove towards the dock where we would take a boat back to the main island. Khani was waiting for us. He saw that we were covered in blood and mud, but did not ask why. We returned to our dusty motel. I took one of the beds, Cassandra in the other and the boys on the floor.

I was thankful to shower, even if the water was a strange murky brown and they had no soap. I curled up in the bed, not really caring that the sheets probably had never been washed. I had fallen asleep and was awoken early, I wasn't sure what woke me up- but it was only five am. I snuck out of the room, walking towards the beach. The waves were glowing blue, lit up with a thousand tiny life forms- iridescent. I stood in the water, letting the glowing creatures meld around my legs.

I'd heard of these things before, bioluminescent phytoplankton. They gathered on the warm sands to feed. I let the waves wash around my legs as I stared into the water, the main island was just across from here. I walked silently through the water before I sat down in the sand and looked up at the stars. The glowing blue covered my face and body in Turquoise. I had been sitting there for a little while before the sound of footsteps caught my attention. I glanced up to see Sam. He plopped down next to me, staring at the glowing creatures in the water. "Incredible, isn't it." he said "this world is incredible." I nodded- looking at the blue creatures. "A lot of people on this planet will die without seeing it though." I said. He looked over at me, the blue reflecting into his brown eyes. "Maybe, but we are one of the lucky ones." he said. "You should be thankful, even if this trip has been riddled with danger- you're witnessing things a lot of people won't." he said. I sighed "I dont need you to lecture me Samuel." he shrugged his shoulders . "I'm only saying."

"Well I dont need you to." I snapped.

He looked at me, his brown eyes frowning slightly. "Look, Alaya I know you hate me and all- but you dont have to snap at me. You're going to kill me, do you have to be so mean? I want to spend the last few weeks of my life happy and I want to make sure my brother is okay." I glared at him.

"I... I dont hate you"


"Thats the problem, I don't hate you and I want to hate you- but I just... I just." I scowled. "I dont understand. I hated you for so long, but then you turn up and I stop hating you, I want to forgive you- but I don't want to forgive you... I want - I need to hate you." I snarled at him. He turned his body towards me. "Why, why would you want to be hateful?" he asked. "For reasons you dont understand." I snapped. "You earned my hatred, and you earned this death." He shook his head. "Fine, you right. I just want to make sure my brother is okay." he muttered. "He wont take lightly to me being murdered you know."

"So you accept death." I asked.

"If I dont have a choice, I'd die to protect my brother- so I will gladly accept this fate."

"Your doing it again, making me not hate you."

He laughed rubbing his head with his hands in frustration. "Your impossible." he muttered. I let out a low sigh. "I know, thanks." he rolled his eyes. "What will you do, after you kill me." he asked. "I dont know, move on... " I muttered.

"Your life has been centered around hating me, you will have no purpose." he said.

I said nothing, the sound of the glowing waves lapping on the shore was the only sound between us. The void of silence was growing again. I didnt want to talk to him, I didnt want to respect him and I didnt want to love him.... But I could feel myself, my gullible stupid self starting to remember why I'd liked him in the first place. Suave, smart, witty, funny and undoubtedly handsome...

"Why are you fighting it."

His voice cut through the air like a blade through flesh. I glanced up at him from the waves, the sun was starting to rise. Pink and orange light was painting his face in pastel. It was like he had read my mind. We stared at each other, not saying anything. Slowly closing the space between each other. The glow of blue reflecting on his skin and face, our lips got closer and closer together...

Suddenly he pulled away from me and I almost fell forward. "Wha-" I muttered. Sam moved slightly away from me. "You said you wanted to hate me, so I'll make it easy for you. I spent my whole life being selfish. I jeopardize your life, and I jeopardize my brothers life. I'll respect your wishes." he sighed. .

I stared, confused. I didnt know what I wanted, at all. I wanted him, but I also was incredibly angry at him. I hated his guts, but I also respected him alot. "Shit." I muttered. "I guess that'll make it easier." I muttered.

I felt his eyes on me as I looked away. I glanced at the glowing sea creatures illuminating the dark sea. After a few moments of silence Sam shifted in the sand. "I love you, you know." he said. My head shot up and I stared at him. "I thought you said you were going to make this easy." I said. He chuckled. "I did, but I wanted to tell you- I regret my actions so much. I've fucked up, alot. In my life, and those few days I spent with you where of the most important. I've been with alot of woman to, but none have meant anything to me... you, I never forgot you. Not just because you are, unspeakably beautiful- because you could hold your own. Most of the woman who have been with me, are weak and are seeking something to fill the voids in their minds. Not you." he muttered.

"I'm going to regret this." I muttered, moving close next to him and snuggling up into his arms. He seemed to stop breathing for a moment. "I dont know what I'm going to do Sam, I think I'm to brash sometimes. I need to hate you, but at the same time. I dont want to hate you, I've been hateful my whole life." I muttered. "I spent it hating you and hating Manuel. I killed him, out of rage and I killed innocent people to do so." I muttered. He pulled me closer and let out a sigh. "Our lives are not easy, Alaya. These people we work with, the people we think of as family they can be vicious and evil. They will kill without mercy and kill without reason, the fact that you regret your choice of killing innocent people shows me that you are not one of these people." he said.   

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