Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Chapter Thirty-eight

Victor and I stepped out into the drizzling rain. He had to 'land' the jet in the forest, because there were no nearby landing strips that would let an unmarked jet land in them. I reloaded my pistol and pulled my jean jacket closer to my body. We'd need to find a ride out of here, this jet was a no-go now. Its wings were damaged, one was missing. The front of the plane was covered in grass and branches. "You couldnt have landed it better, Victor?" I snorted, looking over the smoking vehicle. Victor rolled his eyes at me. "You try to land a jet in a forest." I patted him on the back and we began to walk through the forest. Thick green plants brushed against my legs as we marched on. We hadnt really planned well, we hadnt brought any food or anything to sleep in. Just guns. In hindsight that was probably stupid. I listened to the rain as it splattered on the leaves above our heads, water dripping down the greenery and splashing onto my jacket.

Hours passed, and we were starting to realize how futile this was. We were stuck in a massive forest, we didnt know were this place was- we should have made Eris come with us. I was starting to regret my choice of being brash and rushing off the second I knew were Rafe had been hiding. Victor was resting on a log under a huge pine tree and I was trying to warm my hands up with my lighter. "How'd I get dragged into this." Sully grumbled. "One Drake who was stubborn as a rock was enough, but two..." he muttered to himself.

My hazel eyes turned upward to gaze upon the gigantic tree I stood below. "I'm going to climb this tree and try to see were we are." Victor nodded and I began to scale the pine. I'd never really climbed a tree, I mostly climbed buildings- so this was alot different. I almost fell a couple times when I stepped on a branch to thin. I reached the top and pushed my head through the pine branches. I stared out into the massive forest, it stretched for miles. Mountains at one end, the ocean at the other. I was getting ready to go back down with bad news when a flash of gold caught my attention. My eyes locked onto a blurry shape about four miles north of where we were. It was reflecting the gray light from the clouds. I slid back down. "I saw something, looked like it might be the top of a Blimp- four miles north." I said to the old man. Sully sighed and stood, following me as we continued to trek through the dense cold forest.

Another hour passed before we reached the place that I'd seen the gold. Sure enough, we found the entrance to the cave. It was massive, covered by ferns and grass. "Get ready." I hissed to Suly. I heard his gun cock in response. I stalked through the thick underbrush and down a slope. We skidded into the cave, my mouth opened slightly at the sight before me. It was a warehouse like Eris had said, but it was not just any warehouse- it was massive. Coupled with stone buildings around the outside, like watchtowers. Five blimps sat next to a huge hole across the top of the cave. I could see movement through the broken glass in the warehouse. I ducked down as one of the doors opened on the left of the huge building. A jet rolled from the building, taking off and zipping out through the hole. I turned to Victor. "Stay here, wait for my signal." he nodded and sank into the greenery. I stalked towards the building, careful to keep to the thick green grass and ferns. I snuck through one of the windows. It was a warehouse all right, old machines sat gathering dust. It looked like it use to be a processing plant. I slunk behind one of the bigger machines as the sound of gears and clicking crossed my ears. Two of the mercs walked past the doorframe. I quietly snuck after them following them through the corridors.

They walked past a huge doorframe, what I guessed was the center room. I stopped, staring at it. There where,.... Shelf like structures covering the sides of the building. Almost like a hive. I could see the mercs inside them, some were caged others were sitting freely in the boxes. At the center of the long room sat a throne, built out of metal parts. I could just barely make out Rafe sitting in it. I gritted my teeth, preparing to shoot him when I felt cold metal hands grab me and I was tossed into the open. A collective hiss greeted me as I was chucked onto the cold stone.

"Ah, Samuel. Nice of you to show up." Rafe laughed. I stood up, reaching for my gun but my hand was crushed under a metal boot.

"We were starting to get worried that you wouldn't show up in time." he said.

"In time for what." I spat.


Rafe snapped his fingers and a merc walked out from behind him. Her face was covered in metal, and her armor was unique. It was plated with gold and diamond, on her back was a set of metal wings.

"Why are you doing this." I snarled, standing up- but with a flash of gold my head was being held down by the winged merc. She had a sword, forged from bronze metal next to my face.

"Because, I dont like being known as a daddys boy or rich kid.... And well, world domination seems like something fun to do." He smiled at me. I wrinkled my nose. "You are despicable." Rafe walked down the small set of stairs towards me. "I know, thank you."

"Alaya, realse him."

My body froze and I let my eyes wander to the metal woman next to me, she was moving slowly, her hand clicking the metal off of her face. No,... no... no...

Her green eyes looked down at me, viens around her neck and face glowing bronze. She was covered in scars, scars that glowed golden. She narrowed her eyes and stepped away from me. "No." I whispered. "No. No. No."

"Is that all you can say, Samuel?" Rafe smiled at me, wrapping his arm around her waist. "This is my commander, my right-hand man, my queen." his cold silver eyes turned to me. "After you... let her 'die' I brought her here, and... tested some things on her. Eris helped me reconstruct her mind, she believes that you were the one who tortured and maimed her.... And so do all of these lovely ladies." he gestured to the mass amount of metal-mercs that had all started to flock around him. "We managed to overwrite their memories, they all believe they to were forced to become this because of you. Which, is not all incorrect. IF you had just... fucked off. Samuel. Non of this would have happened." Rafe began to pace, his hands moving as he spoke. I could see the insanity in his silver eyes now- but my gaze was on Alaya. What had he done to her, she was so... broken.

"I built this army, to destroy you... and... I'm going to take great pleasure in-" he walked over to me, holding a knife in his right hand. "Killing you." I couldnt move, I couldnt do anything. I was paralyzed in fear and pain. I waited for the knife to cut through my body, but instead I heard the door be kicked open.

Aimi stalked in, dragging Nathan, Elena, Cassie and Victor in her hands. She tossed the four towards Rafe. Nathan was covered in blood and bruises. "No!" I screamed, getting up and making a run for them- Alaya stopped me. I smacked my head into her metal plated chest. Cassie was whimpering, curled up next to her mother. Her hazel eyes focused on the metal winged creature. Nathan staggered up, reaching towards me as Rafe pulled a pistol from his back pocket. "Well. What a nice surprise." He cocked the gun, and I reached for my little brother as the bullet exited the barrel of the gun. I felt my eyes cloud, I couldnt see anymore- I didnt want to see. I heard a cry, and a grunt. The sound of blood splattering across stone.  

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