Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

I did it with ease, years of climbing on buildings had prepared me for stuff like this. Sam was close behind me, Victor and Cassie were going to try to find a way around the destroyed road. They wouldn't be capable of doing what we were doing. I climbed one of the palm trees, jumping from it onto a ledge in the cliffside. I climbed up and inched across the ledge using the rope that was wrapped around my belt I jumped across a huge cliff landing on the other side and jumping up. We were reaching the top now, the mountain was becoming less cliffs and more hills. I climbed up a hill covered in green trees. Jumping from tree to tree. Eventually we reached the spot we were supposed to be at, I dug my feet into the grass, pushing through the trees. A flat stretch of land sat infront of me, Inside it sat a ship. An old pirate ship, decorated in gold green and white. Light from the trees danced painting the broken down ship with golden light.

"Woah." Sam muttered. "How the hell did this get up here." he walked over to the broken ship, parts of it laid in the grass surrounding the main hull. I stepped into the middle of the ship, it was detailed. Covered in gold and green, this must have been the captain's quarters. There was a washed out painting on the wall. A woman with auburn hair, sitting proud and mighty in a chair. She had a pirate hat on her head and a crow on her shoulder. "Grace O'Malley." I whispered the name inscribed on the bottom of the painting.

Sam stood beside me. "Grace O'Malley was an Irish pirate queen, she reeked havoc over the irish sea." he said "She attacked ships as far away as Waterford on the south central coast of Ireland and fortresses on the shoreline, including Curradh Castle at Renvyle, the O'Loughlin castle in the Burren and the O'Boyle and MacSweeney clans in their holdings in Burtonport, Killybegs and Lough Swilly.

In 1577, she met with Sir Henry Sidney, the Lord Deputy of Ireland, who already knew of her since she had met his son, Sir Philip Sidney, in 1576. Although Philip Sidney would have been a very young man at the time, O'Malley evidently made an impression on him since he mentioned her in favorable terms to his father. O'Malley was wealthy on land as well as by sea. She inherited her father's fleet of ships and land holdings, as well as the land her mother had owned. Around the time of her meeting with Queen Elizabeth I of England, she owned herds of cattle and horses that numbered at least one thousand, comprising great riches by the standards of the time."

He said.

"How'd her ship get here."I whispered. "Possibly a storm, maybe when she was sailing around here her ship was wrecked and left here." He began to rummage through the desks looking for any hints. Mostly everything he found was ruined by mold or water. Sam looked around the ship as I explored the Captain's quarters. Vines and grass was growing from the wood planks, earth was slowly reclaiming this structure. I ran my hand along the moss covered wood, broken remains of windows looked over the ocean. As I looked outside, I noticed something reflecting light at the far corner of the clearing. I went to it, It was a coin. It was similar to Averies coins, but this one had a different symbol. "Sam." I called.

He jumped over and I showed him the coin. He took it. "This is Grace's sigil-" he muttered. "But why would she create her own currency." he muttered. "Well she was the queen of the pirates, you know." He pocketed it. "Where did Grace die." I asked him through the hold of the ship. "Ireland, her own palace....CloughHoughter castle." he said. I turned to look at the painting again, I moved it. Behind the painting the wood was preserved almost entirely and there was writing. "Upon sunset wings, the red haired angel will sing burning the throats of the men weak." I could just barely make out.

Sam appeared beside me. Writing down the note and slipping the coin in between the journal folds. "Lets get out of here, I dont think we are going to find anything else." he said strolling from the ship. "Okay, but how the hell did Grace O'malley get her ship stuck up here." I said to sam, who was looking over the reck. "Perhaps someone she thought she trusted betrayed her, like her husband-" he was cut off by the sound of an explosion below us.

I raced to the side of the cliff to see armored trucks chasing down a car. "Oh shit." I said pointing to the car. It was Victor and Cassandra. "We have to get down there." I said to sam. He nodded, looking around. A mudslide to our left that went down the road would be a possibility. "This might hurt." he grabbed my waist and we ran at the massive slide. We slid down the hill, dodging giant rocks and trees.

As we reached the bottom the mudslide it began to grow steeper and steeper. "Jump!" Sam yelled from behind me. I kicked my legs from under me and soared through the air over the road hooking my rope onto a tree branch. I swung around landing on the ground and rolling. "We need to find something to drive!" I shouted to Sam. The sound of the chase going on just ahead of us. He raced forward and towards the small village, I could see what he was going for- A Motorcycle. I jumped on the back as he hot wired it and shouted an apology to the owner. He hit the gas and we rocketed forward. I gripped his middle, we were both covered in mud at this point. It was everywhere, my face- my hair but I didn't have time to think about that right now. Sam sped up, cutting it close to a few pedestrians who weren't paying enough attention. Sam got close to the last armored truck as they sped out of the village and onto one of the larger dirt roads heading towards the resort. I stood up on the back of the bike. "Get closer." I ordered.

Sam looked up at me in surprise. "Your not going to-"

He didnt get to finish, I jumped from the back of the bike and onto the top of the armored truck. Removing my pistol from my holster I raced along the tops of the trucks killing whatever mercenaries were stupid enough to try to stop me. I jumped to the next Truck- I felt it serve as the driver lurched in surprise. I continued up the line of Trucks- there were about four.

I could see Cassandra firing a gun at the trucks, she wasnt much good- but it was scaring them. She spotted me and shouted something to Sullivan. He was attempting to swerve back and forth to avoid their gunfire.

I raced towards them, kicking a merc in the face on the way. Sam followed closely behind me on the Bike. I reached the first truck and Kicked the driver in the face through the window hoping in. "Move!" I screamed to Sam before turning the wheel hard. Everything slowed down as the truck began to tip, It spun into the air. As It did this, I jumped out the open door, flying through the air as the truck began its descent towards the ground. The Trucks behind it where going to fast to stop in time. I collided with a fleshy body and I was suddenly tumbling through the mud and grass. An explosion went off behind me as I lay over something soft that was making quite groaning noises. I looked up just in time to see the last truck speed into the pile of burning metal. Sullivan and Cassie had stopped a safe distance from the fiery mess. I looked down at whatever I was laying on, sure enough it was Sam. He groaned in pain and rubbed his head. "Ow..." I laughed and got off of him. "Sorry- but I had to make a quick escape."

He smiled at me, and we both stood up. We had landed in mud and grass, so no bones were broken. "We are to old for this." I muttered to him, putting a hand on my back. "Hay, most adults are age are getting fat and raising bratty teenagers. I'd say this is a little bit of an improvement." He winced, limping towards the car. Cassandra ran at us, wrapping her arms around her uncle. Then to my surprise, me.

"You saved us!" she said. "Well, I did my best." I smiled at the girl. Victor let out a low sigh. "Is It just me, or where you getting Madagascar flashbacks from that Sam." Sam laughed. "Yeah, accept it was Nathan running across the trucks and me driving for my life. Nice change of pace." he chuckled. Cassandra glanced over at them. "Wait, my dad did what Alaya just did-" Victor shook her shoulders as they walked towards the car. "A version, not quite as gracefully I was told..." they continued to talk, but my mind tuned them out. I was staring at the burning trucks in the middle of the road. The one at the front was almost completely destroyed- that could have been me burning alive in the metal. 

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