Last of my kind.

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"Princess Celestia, what happened to you"

Zecora filled in Luna with the information on what happened and what poison joke is.

"My dear sister, your duties have been suspended as ruler, until this is fixed."

"You can't do that!" I shouted "mommy is the only one who can"

"Celestia, mom and pa passed away almost six hundred years ago, your in charge of equestria now" I don't know what was worse the fact I found out I was ruler or the fact mom and pa were gone.

"But who will rule in celestia's place?" twilight asked

"I will take roll on the sun and moon, till she is of age"

"I will make another brew, to fix celestia and discord too"

"Discord? where's discord" I turn around and surely the little draconequus was gone.

"Discord?" fluttershy whispered.

Discords POV

She's part of the royal family I'm her enemy, everypony should hate me, after all I'm a draconequus. So why do they all like me? It must be a trick.

I say constantly through my head as I flew home to my older brother Tumult, new born sister cacophony (coco for short) along with my parents strife (dad) and enmity (mom)

It was starting to get dark as I flew over the griffin kingdom, north west of ponyville. I flew for many hours before reaching a large cave.

The cave was not as I remembered it. The welcoming smell of lavender was replaced with a musky uncanny smell, the ferns surrounding the cave were gone and all was left with dust and webs, the cave gave off an unearthly feel as though it was haunted. "Ma, Pa!" I shouted into the darkness an only an echo of my squeaky voice answered me "coco? tumult?" I yelled.

Goosebumps grew under my fur as no answer was to greet me again. "Guys, this isn't funny stop it!" I cried "please" my sight became blurry as my eyes filled with fresh tears "please stop this... and I will stop sneaking out and prancing the royal family" I croak.

I start walking into the darkness until I couldn't see a feather in front of me, I snap my tail and the place eliminated and what I saw was beyond imagination.

The cave was painted with shadows of ponies where they stood when they were burnt, skeletons of pegasi pierced with spears lay in heaps on the ground, unicorn skulls were decorated on spikes others were dangling from cages above.

What happened here? where is ma and pa?

I slowly moved my way the the next room in the cave, more pony bones were scattered around and yet no sign of my family.

"Tumult? is this some kind of sick joke? cause I don't like it! I've had enough!" but yet no response, I turn around to leave the room when I hear a clatter of bones behind me, I turn around and and there was nothing. I move closer to the back of the room when a pile of bones next to started to shake I move closer and curious if I imagined it, but surely enough it moved again frantically I ripped the bones off the space where they laid only to find a mouse. It squeaked with fear and scurried away into the depths of the cave.

Sighing heavily with disappointment I continued further into the cave.

Many rooms and dead ponies later.... I finally found them

Bones of my family scattered in the very room I stood. A large skeleton circled two smaller ones.


Strife circled his young keeping them close.

"Strife, I can't find Coco" Enmity cried.

"Protect them I will look for her"

"Pa!" Discord shouted "pa don't leave me!" He yelled untangling him from his mothers grips

"Discord get back here!" Enmity ordered

"No ma! I know where she will be. I will be back soon" he cried running off into the distance with Strife.

"Faster my boy, faster!" strife yelled dodging the attacks of pony knights.

"To the gardens pa she will be by the fountain!" they flew together further into the cave to a single point where the sun shone through and lush green grass grew along with ferns and palms. In the centre of the garden was a magnificent fountain the base was surrounded by Pegasi and griffins whilst the mouth was a draconequus. By the base slept little Coco unknowing what was happening.

Strife took the sleeping girl into his arms and snapped his tail and disappeared. Strife laid Coco down in the middle of Enmity and Tumult.

"Where's Discord?"


Looking into the eyes of the enemy discord backed away walking slowly till he was pressed up against the fountain side, the closest unicorn lowered his head and started charging towards him. in a flash of green Strife appeared and grabbed his son and disappeared again. Arriving in the nearby mountain range discord stood hunched and scared, hyperventilating from the experience that just happened. Strife much to his ability tried to stand but instead he collapsed. "pa?" he croaked "pa we've got to go home, we've got to save ma" his eyes flickered as he stared at his father hunched in a heap on the ground

"no- no-t safe dis-cord" he croaked slowly closing his eyes.

"HELP! SOMEPONY anypony... please" he whispered. He nuzzled his father and he did not budge

Above, on the walls above my families head written in their blood was

'members of draconequus, you have ruthlessly brought disharmony upon Equestria, I had no choice but to eradicate you and your families for thousands of years that you brought pain, no more will I have to put up with dishonour, lies, and selfishness of my people.'

The writing was sealed with a sun and a moon. The seal of the royal princesses not queen and king.


A Disagreement between ponies

A Lack of harmony

A state of confusion or disorder



Ok so I decided to add a reason why he hated ponies, I almost cried thinking of ideas on what could have happened. What do you think of what happened?

Fun fact: the names I chose for his family are similes for discord.

Please do not copy my ideas, unless you ask. I've had my ideas stolen by other people on one my other books, I don't mind as long as you ask first. Sorry for the rant but you know how much plagiarism sucks and well yeah.

Comment. Follow. Vote.

Ps. I love to read everyone's comments.

Hopefully I update soon, I've gotten a great plan for when it comes to the idea @MidnightRiver gave me, also any more ideas please let me know.

Best song to go with this chapter is the longest time by billy Joel.

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