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Discords POV

Pacing up and down the remainder of my home, thinking of how I could get back at the royal family.

"Discord" a voice said gently, spinning around I notice a pony hidden by a black cloak "so glad you came home"

"Who are you?!" I growled

"It doesn't matter what my name is or who I am. the only thing important is me helping you get revenge"

"Why would you help me?"

"Because, we both want to destroy the ponies" her Aqua eyes beaming with determination.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Follow me"


Third person

"C'mon girls, we need to find him!" Twilight enthused

"Twilight listen, if Discord doesn't remember anything than he is evil, take the elements in case" luna reasoned handing over a small wooden box contains the most powerful magic of all; friendship.

"Of course, princess luna" she bowed

"Don't let us down" Luna nodded "their fate is in your hooves"

Felt with a great task and insecurity fell upon the young alicorns shoulders. the young pony started to regret ever excepting her role as a loyal servant to the princesses. Save the princess, help Discord, get them back, how in equestria am I going to do that I can barely fly. She thought but the fate of discord and Celestia laid upon all six ponies not just the one. If only she believed that, the oncoming events wouldn't of come so easily.


"Welcome back Discord, high lord supreme and commander of the nights army" the cloaked pony bowed as the young draconequus stepped into a large cave lit with flaming torches. "the council will begin very shortly" and upon her words the doors slammed shut and the torches blew out, a shadow of a large pony stood in the dark, "welcome my children, in an unfortunate event our oldest and best, has been turned back to a basic but powerful filly" the room started to chat to each other staring at the poor boy but as the dark leader spoke again, they hushed. "the good news is, celestia is also an infant, she is weaker and smaller to take over, but... twilight sparkle and her friends are trying to break this of what has happened if they succeed then we would have lost. take this chance my children and bring the truth upon the six!" in a gust the dark figure was gone.

"Who are all of you?" Discord eventually spoke.

"We are the forgotten ones, those who have been rejected by the 'Princess'." A small group of fillies spoke

"We consist of many races, We are the changelings" A large changeling spoke, a crown sat upon her web like hair.

"My name is Sombra, formally king, my people fell into a trap of her lies." a majestic unicorn said.

"And me" the cloaked pony said "my name is sunset shimmer and I still rule in a place where I was banished to, and every thirty moons I can return."


The room grew loud and noisy as ideas of mutiny were thrown. A young filly stood forth her face hidden, the room silenced as she gained their attention. "I have a way!"

"What is your name filly?" Sunset asked

"My name is Siren but everyone knows me as Sweetie Belle and I have a way! Here's what we do..."

If your still reading this and not given up thank you. I'm sorry it takes ages to update this book but I keep getting writers block I have a rough idea where this is going so let's hope I update more often.


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