Warning! Two days left.

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Ok so I love the comments some people leave



And I'm putting all my free time into this story, so hopefully I can write all 50 hours up to the invasion and have it published by the time your fifty hours are up :p

48 hours till invasion.

(Twilight sparkle and co. )

Slowly trudging through the dry barren land, twilight felt a chill run up her spine, this place was not good, skulls of animals of all shapes and sizes poked out of the loose dirt, the largest an elephants skull. "This is creepy" rainbow dash whispered as they moved further into the land, even the sky was out of place, dark clouds moved on their own around a musky grey sky. "It looks like chaos"

A crunching noise echoed through the air, lifting up her hoof, twilight stared into the open blank eye sockets of a once living animal, the world began to grow dark around her as a new scene played before her.

Animals of all kinds played and frolicked in long green grass, as Goats gnawed at the long strands, birds danced and sung in the lavender scented breeze, young ponies with darker coloured ears and markings, laughed in the sunlight, lions relaxed upon rocks watching over the utopian landscape, and above all, stood the majestic ruler, an animal made up of all that is ruled over, a draconequus. Draconequus' of all sizes merrily played in the lush grass, then it began to rain, but of water, but of soot. The sky began to darken a deep red, fire sprung from the grass incasing the animals. A small family of draconequus, made up of two adults and three kids ran within a nearby cave, soldiers raided the land, killing, murdering everyone in sight, and the lavender smell was replaced with a musky uncanny smell of burnt meat and coal, the fire dazed down and the surrounding land returned to how it was, dry and barren. A voice yelled, far in the distance, the voice of a young boy, "HELP! SOMEPONY anypony!"

"Your majesty" a voice bowed, looking to her left, twilight noticed a peculiar face, he was a draconequus "heed my warning princess, do not take my son to the current ruler, she is not who she seems, princess Solaria, or as you know her, princess celestia, is not one of the good guys" he snarled "for If you do, the events here will happen again"

"She's not evil, and if she is, we will stop her, me and my friends, with the elements of harmony" the draconequus let out a chortle "the elements of harmony, don't tell me you believe in that rubbish, once one of you begin to question their ruler or another, or even the elements themselves they begin to show their true power, now do this Princess Twilight Sparkle destroy the elements, before it's too late!"

"Twilight?" A voice questioned, it seemed so distant to her "twilight?" It asked again, looking around her surroundings, twilight noticed her friends, she was back... wherever back was.

Four hours slowly past, as they trotted through the dead land,

"So what happened to y'all back there, twi?"

"I don't know apple jack, you sure you didn't see any of it?"

"Oooo what if it's like a special Alicorn power?" Pinkie pie jumped.

"I don't know ok" The distant cave that twilight envisioned was a mere thirty metres away, "see that cave girls, we have to go there"

"I don't know, my pinkie sense is playing up"

"If she's twitching, I'm not going" rarity shook her head at the dark cave.

"Fine I order you as a friend and as a princess to go in there" twilight growled

"She's been acting weird" rainbow dash whispered

"Y'all right, twilight isn't how she used to be" AJ said disgusted. As they crept into the mouth of the cave.


45 hours till invasion.

(Nights army)

Over the past week discord had grown fond of his new family and home, sunset shimmer had told him of the events of the past two thousand years that she knew of, the fall of discord to the mare in the moon. he couldn't believe all that he had forgotten, had he really been that evil?

"Ok so the invasion is in less than two days time..." Sombra announced "and we need to get to canterlot by sundown on the day, siren has more information" the small white unicorn stood upon the wooden table.

"Ok listen up, I may be small, but I am your advantage, I have successfully infiltrated the castle and I'm posing as Celestias babysitter, well one if them, in two days time I will bring celestia to the western mountain side, once we have her... we have equestria" loud cheers filled the small cave, as siren walked away, she needed to get back to canterlot and quickly.


42 hours till invasion.

(Celestia and the cutie mark crusaders)

"Hey have you seen sweetie belle?" Apple bloom asked luna,

"No, I thought she was with you" Luna sighed "I will send a guard to look for her, in the meantime take my sister to the archive, she might like to read about what she has forgotten, it's within wing five"


Ok so the next chapter I am planning will be looking into Celestias and Discords shared past... let's just say this has all happened before.... >:D

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