A look into the past

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40 hours till invasion.

The night began to creep over equestria as discord returned to his new cave, it was small, but warm, and it was nothing like home that terrified and butchered his dreams. A small breeze flew through the opening and a small piece of paper drifted in.

Dear my little draconequus,

It has come to my attention that you are missing out on most your memories, let me tell you....


The cave was eerie for the six travellers, ponies, Pegasi and unicorns slain and murdered lay upon the ground. "Just ignore it girls" Twilights voice wobbled. The further they went into the cave, the more bones were found, one room seemed to call out to twilight, walking ahead of the rest of the group she snuck within the room, bones of draconequus encircled each other, one adult and two young. A message above their resting place, a clear warning of power showed, looking upon the signed 'note' she began to feel herself being pulled away....

"Princess twilight sparkle..." A voice began, "to understand the upcoming events one must look to the past, a tangle in time, to the days to come, to the ponies you know, will become...."


"Your sister wanted you to read about your past, as your notes should help spark up old memories" apple bloom smiled walking through the castle libraries. "Wing five"

Looking through the shelves one book caught her eye, it was an old book, the spine almost fallen completely off and the pages yellowed and teared. Taking it out she flipped to the first page.

My name is Princess Solaria, if I am reading this it means it's happened before,

I put a charm upon this book so that no one except me can read it. I have decided to write within this journal to keep track of that I have forgotten....


"The story begins with the sun and the moon, they're love for each other was strong but no matter how hard they tried they could never meet, a hooded sorcerer, saw their love for each other and granted their wish, the sun and moon became the first alicorns...

But without the sun, the day had no light, and without the moon the stars never shone. Saddened by the events they consulted the sorcerer to help them, he agreed to help them under one condition, his descenders rule the ponies below. Blinded by their love, the sun and the moon agreed to the sorcerers terms, lowering his hood stood the original draconequus, a mad ponies experiment gone wrong. They were sent back into the sky where once in a few decades they would be allowed to meet, an event later known as a solar eclipse.

One night the draconequus looked up to the saddened moon and decided to make another Alicorn, one to serve by his side, to help him in his daily life, her name Eclipse, and the life of an Alicorn was stretched longer than any other pony, they were to live as long as the sun and the moon shone.

Before he died, he created a race of alicorns and draconequus to rule and watch over the lands, after he died, Eclipse bowed her head and cried, she turned herself to stone and rock and formed a great mountain where he lay forever."

"Ok?" Twilight questioned

"I shall take you now to the time of Strife.... Strife was a prince not ready for the responsibilities of king, looking over at his advisor, Sol, who for most his life ruled while his father mindlessly withered away. Sol was an Alicorn that stood for the day, it was only fit that his wife stood for the moon. Strife gave all responsibility to him, in return he and his kind were to live in harmony, where it all happened, the mountain side.

And so the rein of the Alicorn began.

Strife led a quite life, he married a draconequus named Enmity and had three kids one in which was Discord."


It's my sixth birthday, a time of celebration for a princess, I was nervous, for it is also the time of a solar eclipse, wanting to know my power, mom and pa told me at the peak of the eclipse to try to lower one of them. What I didn't know was that I had lived this day before, whilst during the darkness of the eclipse, I gained my memories, all thirteen times that I have lived, every time I end up back into this age. This time, my sixth birthday was different, this time I met him.


You were lost, wandering too close to the castle, and that day you met an Alicorn, her name Solaria. You fell in love, but it was a love that was forbidden, to keep her identity safe, outside the castle she disguised herself, colouring her pink mane blue and going by the name Celestia. Sol and Orbit unfortunately found out, knowing that you would ruin their plans, they had you hunted to be killed. Unable to catch you they sent after your family, luckily due to the magic protecting the land they were unharmed. To keep each other safe you and Solaria never saw each other since...


"Wait celestia and Discord were together?"

"Yes but as Celestia's curse came again...."

"Hang on if Celestias cursed, then why hasn't this happened before and recorded?"

"Because it stopped until now, after her parents died. As I was saying, Celestia's curse came again turning her and her family young, the love and magic that was involved in their relationship turned discord and his family young as well, only discord and Celestia lost their entire memories including ever meeting each other. But the day came again when they met back up, knowing of how the events would shape up and how Solaria would choose him over the throne, the king and queen had another child, a baby girl, her name... Luna.

But Solaria didn't choose discord, this time, this time her parents made sure no draconequus would go near the castle or their daughters. When finally meeting discord she found out the location of the land and how to pass the barrier."


It was the worst mistake I had ever done, I invaded the land with an army behind me, I had to stop all evil in this land, and I believed that the draconequus was the source, oh how I was vain.

One draconequus survived a young boy named Discord, so I left him a note in case he ever returned.


You ran, discord. As fast as your legs could carry you, your whole family was murdered. The only thing that came to your mind was taking back the lives they had cost, you were going to cause chaos in all of equestria. But first you had to get rid of Orbit and Sol.


"So that's how discord became king" twilight stated

"Yes, but as you know the story is far from over... But you know the rest."

"Yes, Luna and celestia discovered the elements of harmony and used them to turn him to stone and took rule of equestria and then Luna turned evil and she banished her to the moon for a thousand years..."

"Wrong...." The voice faded away as twilight awoke from her trance.

"Twilight?" pinkie pie whimpered, her sparking blue eyes filled with tears as she looked upon the purple unicorn "please come back"

Opening her eyes her five friends let out a sigh of relief, "wha- what's going on?"

"You passed out" rarity sighed

"You were out for five hours" rainbow dash added.


"Find anything interesting?" Apple bloom commented

"Yes" celestia nodded "I found this experience quite educational"


The note discord had found was unsigned, as if the one who wrote it intended to stay hidden from the world.


35 hours till invasion.

is their love strong enough to pull through this time? Will they find discord and fix the poison joke before the invasion? What is with Twilights strange adventures? Will I ever stop talking like this? Find out next time on.... FATE.... BE... CHAAAAANNNGED!

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