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I'm sorry for the wait. I hope you still continue reading. I couldn't think of the right sentence to continue so this chapter is about the crusaders.

"What are we going to do today girls" sweetie belle asked walking into their cubby

"I know, I know" apple bloom jumped "ok so you know how we have been looking for things to get our cutie marks in ponyville and no where we seem to get it.... well we are going to CANTERLOT!"

"Wow really?" scootaloo shouted "what are we waiting for let's go!".


Arriving in canterlot the cutie mark crusaders eyes darted at the detail of the place, the designs of the shop fronts the hats other ponies were wearing, they were at the very heart of equestria.

"What should we do now we are here" SB asked as they walked down the street.

"Lets have a look around and see if anything catches our eye" AB cheered.


"Guys look at this!" scootaloo shouted.

Ok so it's super short but my ideas for this book are very small ideas would be useful and it can be for the crusaders. I also know this is short and terrible and I apologise.

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