Returing home

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Ten hours

Footsteps echoed through the small, dim lit cave, wearily treading the small draconequus passed many rooms. Fluttershy's sensitive ears picked up the small pitter patter of paws and claws, sneaking away she followed the sounds.

"discord?" her light voice questioned

"pony!" he growled back

"discord listen to me, before you lost your memories, we were friends"

"i don't have friends' he snapped "let alone pony friends" his words stung deep with her, but her kind soul wouldn't stand for it "discord that hurt, and as your friend i apologize in advance" a loud clang filled the air and discord was seeing stars. His head throbbed as he gained consciousness, "what in equestria was that for?"

"i cant believe we found discord" twilight cheered "and sorry about knocking you out.......... and tying you up" the journey home now begins

((yep i decided to skip a few hours))

five hours

In a hole, in the ground, there lived an alicorn. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a princess cave, and that means comfort. "this is a great book" rainbow dash smiled, she was sitting upon a cloud floating near Cloudsdale reading her new books written by J. R. R. trotkien. The air began to cool, war was brewing in the west. Smoke filled the Pegasus' nose, looking over the edge of her cloud a small line of ponies marched over the hillside, the line stretched on as far as the horizon and as the line reached the hight another line formed behind, realisation reached Rainbow Dash, tripping over her hooves she flew to warn the princess.

ok so im evil and for the next chapter i need at least 5 votes and your comment on what you think is going to happen, will the army succeed in their plan, will twilight and her friends prevail in the face of evil?

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