Your choice for the next contest [CLOSE]

157 16 25

Good day everyone! 

I'm giving you all the chance to pick the next contest. Amazing right? LOL

So this is how it works:

I will give some genre below and you guys will vote for the genre you want to be in the next contest. 

Also, I will be adding particular hint in each genre.

The highest votes of genre will be the genre of the next contest.

So this will be a great preparation to all of you!


1. Romance [For what are fighting for?]

2. Mystery/Thriller [The whole world is danger, we need her.]

3. Action/sci-fi [Have you watched the twilight how about the second one?]

4. Fantasy [In christmas, miracles happen."

5. Random/Poetry [Are you hungry? Or do you need some travel?]

How to vote?

Just comment the number of genre below. 

I'm expecting everyone who'll comment to join the next contest:) But everyone can vote:)

Will be posting the next contest later, so be sure to leave your votes down below.


1. * * * * * * * * * = 9 votes

2. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = 14 votes 


4. * * = 2 votes

5. * * * = 3 votes

Cover contests [CLOSED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora